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Gift Hunt & Holiday Sale 2023 - Discussion


Master Sergeant
Then make the suggestion! And don't blame the community. Said yes, bring suggestion. Do you know what values are on the speed server? So write it in


Master Sergeant
My imagination
Character Class: Adventure
Not only hotels should be free, but sleeping in all forts should also be free From 2 = 4 hits within a round of a fort fight you have a 25% chance of not being shot at at all for the rest of the round. Instead of 25% = 35% increase. And as Soldier Guidance value for you and your four neighbors is increased by 25% = 35% in defense and in attack it becomes higher 40%. So there is more chance to go on the attack and not always be in defense


Master Sergeant
Well look how easy it is on speed servers to adjust the class bonuses... Its very easy to do the problem is the community
It's not the same at all.
What you see on the speed worlds are not class bonuses, but some additional temporary bonuses that apply restrictively according to certain criteria, the one you mentioned being that of the character class. Speed bonuses are very limited, mainly damage and motivation increased.
However, it is not so difficult to add other bonuses or change the values of the existing ones. This thing was supposed to happen a long time ago. It's just that they are different things.


Master Sergeant
@WhyN0t i know that but still they could do that as a temporary solution... The biggest problem is that the community cant agree
I agree that we need changes regarding character class bonuses ASAP!
But you solution is not good at all. You can only increase duel damage and duel motivation and this wouldn't fix duel. You need to nerf soldiers. And for fort fights, adventurers needs a rework, so it cannot be fixed with event bonuses.


For sure adventurer need to be re-worked. Im one of those that have choosed this class, I love Fort Fights, and even I have top tier upgraded clothes, rides and weapons, I feel weak compared to duelers or workers that have equiped mediocre sets.


Master Sergeant
Wen duelists/workers based on charisma and leadership skills. and good rifle and set Verdelen. Is it logical that they are good snipers? They do good damage


It is logical ...but not for me as adventurer to be so weak against them. Sometimes I really hate the bonus when protecting duelers behind me, because I should charge the hits, not faint them, causing death to good duellers from my back.
Pretty sure the one who love FF now, regrets the choose of this class (adventurer). I don't want to be better than other classes, atleast equal.


Master Sergeant
but if you use spirit (shoot through without something based on you, I mean) then the duelist is either KO or takes a hit. Soldier is a protective shield?


Master Sergeant
My not ghost set but if you look at fort fight report you might have 1-4 bullets called ghost shot evaders. Why don't you suggest what kind of adventure you would like?




And if not many enemies targeting you per round... this perk is useless completly (you need every round with atleast 3 enemies aiming you, otherwise adventurer bonus perk doesn't exist). Speaking straight, if you want to use your bonus, you'll have to try hard diyng by exposing you to how many enemies you can. 5 rounds = done fort fight.
Adventurer was not supposed to be the best ff class... It was meant to be mainly as a pve class... Also his perk is not that useless at all it has specific use maybe not that fun i guess... The most useful ff class should be the dueller and the soldier as it is right now

Emma Swan

Adventurer class was very very very important back then than now. If you have FF full vs full, you need them to block sectors or towers, they can easily help you to win, since they were made to block sectors, not to do dmg or dodge at all. But, as we have noticed [ probably], this game usually cant keep full forst for longer then 6 months on new servers, and from then, every world 2 years old and older is lucky to have 20 vs 20. Meaning nowdays adventurer is useless. On older worlds you need to dodge instead of blocking sectors to be honest. what I would recommend for adventurer:

1. Drop chance for product and from jobs 25%/50%
2. Luck 25%/50%
3. Sleeping free in all hotels 1-5, regeneration 25%/50% faster
4. In Fort Fights, resistance 25%/50% more if alone in sector. I would keep ghosting as well.
5. In Duels, bonus 15%/30% dodge if attacked.

1. XP from jobs, duels and FF 15%/30%
2. In duels if attacked, bonus 20%/40% dodge
3. In Fort Fights, Bonus 25%/50% dodge, 15%/30% aiming
4. Duel protection during building city buildings [expect church].
5. From jobs 10%/20% less injury

1. Speed on map 40%/80%
2. You can see dueling skills other players
3. Regeneration 50%/100%
4. In duels if attacking, bonus 25%/50% appearance
5. During Fort Fights, 10%/20% chance to crit IF on duel tower. Otherwise 5%-10%.

1. HP skill bonus the same, for each skill point given to the healts x5
2. In Duels, bonus 15%/30% to tactic
3. HP regeneration 75%/150% if sleeping
4. In Fort Fights, leadership bonus ONLY to neighbours 30%/60%
5. In Fort Fight, 50% of you skills added to hp turnes as resistance

This way should all 4 characters be somehow balanced in their own area plus extra from the rest.