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Gift Hunt & Holiday Sale 2023 - Discussion


Master Sergeant
3-0 for you WhyN0t. This means that you have to give the adventure back the ability! In my opinion and certainly other opinions too!?
Neither class was intended for fort battles, as there were no forts when character classes were introduced. They all received a fairly balanced bonus when this gamemode was introduced. And you know what's ironic? The adventurer used to be the best class at the fort. So your argument is null.
you can literally start in a new world with a different class if you think your class is weak or you dont like adventurer... And no adventurer means adventure=mostly jobs thats how it should be... Personally i hope all skill points bonuses get removed for all classes but you its like complaining about soldier and dueller that they dont have good job bonuses like worker and adventurer

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
You can clearly read the description of each character class and decide on your own which you want to choose. Adventurer used to be good in FF sure but its still good if used properly. Other classes were not that great but are good now , for sure I agree that Adventurer could have a better FF bonus but let's not exaggerate the whole situation. Adventurer was a class originally made for the sole purpose of being a an all around class that is designed for Quests, finding more items , finding more products etc etc.

Each character is unique and that should remain , for the best balance I believe the only changes needed is to adjust the Leadership bonus of Soldier , decrease the crit chance of Dueler and totally change the FF bonus of Adventurer. Worker doesnt need any changes because its the most balanced class.

P.s. The changes I suggest are only for FF.


Master Sergeant
you can literally start in a new world with a different class if you think your class is weak or you dont like adventurer... And no adventurer means adventure=mostly jobs thats how it should be... Personally i hope all skill points bonuses get removed for all classes but you its like complaining about soldier and dueller that they dont have good job bonuses like worker and adventurer
Nobody writes/talks about the character class, just you. It's about the fort combat bonus! The one where it was briefly tested and then reversed. And again for the attack you need better bonuses. And the adventure has a better sector bonus and is not always the protective shield. The soldier is actually responsible for that

Emma Swan

Maybe its time in order to stop fighting actually start thinking as other classes. Why should they go to fort battle? why should they duel? Why should they do jobs? why should they be active, online doing all those things and not just banging church as ghosts?

Each and every character need to have good pvp and pve bonuses. Game has moved on with stronger sets, bonuses, harder quests, later probable harder crafts, so bonuses must be higher and better as well. Just changing FF bonuses wont change anything, just % of it. If you are gonna push devs to actually change bonuses, why not to include it all? Why should builder stop churching and go to click jobs in order to get better XP results and go to FF to get some rewards? They need to be motivated. What are duelers going to duel if other classes wont stand a chance? Why should soldier attack in duel if he is too op in def with tactics? Why should adventurer play at all if his bonuses suck?

For those that are crying about other changes than just FF, imagine being duelers with only dueling bonuses... Than imagine 5 people in duel list per week. What would you do? click town, click church, goodbye. Imagine being adventurer that sucks in literally everything, what would he do? Skeleton, hours of jobs to get something ypou priobably dont need, log out. What should soldier do? Well, when its not FF, probably bored, or waiting for somebody brave enough to attack him in duel? Imagine being a builder.... You have literally all bonuses in town, so why should we blame builder to die on church and log out? no motivation, everybody wants something but when it comes to actuall talk about change, you fight lol... no wonder this game is no longer online but semi offline game. So, close your ego persona somewhere and just be nice, creative and imagine this game with bonuses you would like and if they would work at least... mama mia

this game totally stopped with evoluton somewhere in 2017 and you are crying that the only thing that must be upgraded is adventurers bonus in FF.... and what more, that the rest is fine :D :D :D


Private First Class
So, has anyone gotten the Holiday Spirit pants ??? 1 day left and I haven't seen this item in the store or within the bags... Grrrrr !!!!