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Let's talk about Fort Battles, Adventures and Duelling


Master Sergeant
Since when do the end developers not have a say? Sir RaiderTr. They draw and program for us. The-West team do have team meetings?


Since when do the end developers not have a say? Sir RaiderTr. They draw and program for us. The-West team do have team meetings?
my understanding of the developer situation is as follows:

The-West has a Product Manager, who is in overall "ownership" of the project. Likely a suit that's never played, they seem fairly hands-off from what I've heard.

The West has a "Community Management Specialist", who also now doubles as the game designer and main content creator, I guess?
(When Etriel left, her overbearing workload was spread out among two people, one of which has since left so we effectively have a new Etriel now, no offence intended.)

The-West has two part-time external developers, one being Diggo and the other being unknown and elusive. For Coding and fixing serious bugs that you need to pay a professional for.

The-West has Community Managers, who seem to be involved in content creation now, and also do all of the Quality Assurance for new updates. Think new tombola sets or the shop clothes re-work, or new questlines. All the things that are buggy or broken on release.

I'd say Raider is accurate in stating that developers don't have a say in the direction of the game, they are "assigned their work by the office, and I am very confident that if they did, we'd be in a much better place regarding PvP.

They do have weekly, or at least monthly, team meetings though, where all input is taken into account, yes, although the input from community managers is often an inaccurate representation of their communities in my estimation.
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Master Sergeant
Oha wow. But they accept our suggestions for improvement now and then. Would they listen better to the players would not always give a frustration uprising. ( Spree and penalty points )


Master Sergeant
Sometimes I wish there was a way to translate what you say.

Though I do wonder which suggestions did they take and use? Well I guess they finally made some movement on fort battles buuuut it had no effect on my fort fighting world because someone else worked very hard to improve battles in a extremely limited way. But hey maybe that tower reduction helped the already dead worlds in amazing ways, right?

Then players suggest every where not to release level increase to 250 all at once, do it slow release. But they didn't listen to that. So now I have to watch as lower level (level 130-150) give up trying to hit at or get hit by high level (170-200) and quit the only truly viable world for one that will last 6-8 months at the most . I don't blame them they have no true way of being competitive anymore.

Yay, we got more jobs for some and unachievable achievements for others. So yeah InnoGames is winning the best listeners of the world.
Once again for you personally. Sorry for my complicated spelling. I am dyslexic and need OpenOffice to write right mistakes and then 2 translators. My High German is not the best and yes OpenOffice does not know my language expression. As well as translator does not

On reference from German forum. honey seeds. Beekeepers work. Suggestions for new sets were also implemented on request? Maybe there will be something for the fort in the new year 2023. They have only just begun.


Master Sergeant
If you get out of fainting protection, you become duelable. If you leave the hotel (without protection) you are duelable. If you are registered and present at the fort and dueling (here it mainly applies to the duelist class) you are NOT attackable, you can duel without worrying about being attacked. Why? I reported this problem years ago and it was not resolved (like many others).


If you get out of fainting protection, you become duelable. If you leave the hotel (without protection) you are duelable. If you are registered and present at the fort and dueling (here it mainly applies to the duelist class) you are NOT attackable, you can duel without worrying about being attacked. Why? I reported this problem years ago and it was not resolved (like many others).
I was told, a long time ago when we actually had development resources, that the ability to duel someone and then immediately leave town to become un-duellable was a feature not a bug. Don't actually know if that's still a feature or not.

But yeah, a dueller can totally sit at an active fort battle and duel without reply, which I'm sure is just a secret feature and works perfectly.


Master Sergeant
It's different. You get 2 more hours cooldown with each town leave. And the cooldown it's reduced with only 5 minutes per day, so I think it's fair. And by the way, you are attackable 45 minutes after you duel, even if you leave the town, so it doesn't really matter. The issue I mentioned is different and very annoying. A guy is attacking you and you cannot attack him... If he is a dueller he can attack you anytime, it's not fair. He can keep canceling the duel and attack you after 2-3 hours when you are not paying attention. He cannot be attacked so he doesn't care. People abuse the shift out of this bug.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
Let's talk about Fort battles , Adventures and Dueling since we stopped for some reason ( not us players but innogames )

Let's start:

Instead of the pointless 1 quest addition updates and minor changes that do not improve PVP in any shape of form why Fort Battle changes stopped so suddenly? You haven't fixed anything yet so don't act like you did, you sure did a start but the changes you made did not change much but the opposite made some things worse , so again , why did you stop the Fort Battle changes? Or are you thinking so much about them that your brains exploded :njub:

Adventures, when was the last time we actually had a major change or even the slightest change? Major declines in all markets , hardly to ever play a single game in some markets that the player base is less than 150 , waiting for hours , days and even longer to find 1 single game , not only this but you make quests that require you to WIN or PARTICIPATE in Adventures, total joke. I made tons of suggestions for Adventures that can make them lively again and you wont have to wait years to find 1 single game to play. ( note that this is more for dead markets or markets that have a very small player base , .net is not included in this category ) so let's not forget that other markets exist and not think that only .net exists. Sure .net has the biggest player base and it's the most active market but that doesn't mean we should not think about other markets, and please , don't come and say that "if you have so many issues then make an account in .net" no , I won't, I did , I played for half a year and 80% of the player base is clueless, egotistic , do not play with the team and only think about personal records. ( No surprise since every world that opens dies after 3-4 months because of bad management )

Dueling , there wasn't any changes about Dueling for the past 8-10 years if I'm not mistaken , players were and still complain about high dueling level problems but not a single sympathy from InnoGames to try and fix the problem , we asked about Dueling potion that decrease your dueling level to be much cheaper but we only got that in beta , idk about other markets but GR in particular does not tolerate going to KO yourself to lower your dueling level because it's considered pushing and it can lead you to a ban. You cannot arrange a fake duel and if you are very high level it's simply impossible to lower your dueling level , not to mention , they tell you to not duel anyone for a long time so your dueling level lowers , so long story short , I as a player that enjoys dueling and doesn't particularly do anything else rather than dueling should quit the game because InnoGames is incompetent to make a something about it?

Character classes , we have been asking for this for many years , you FINALLY attempted to make a change , failed horribly because the bonuses you "changed" were simply comical and it was more like an April's fool's joke rather than an actual update, the important thing is though that you tried , since you tried and you failed , you got tons of feedback that you can look at for possible changes , so many good suggestions that you can try out so why don't you? We are open and we very much welcome character class changes but you should also consider that the players that play the game actually know the game.

@innogames hire more people to be in your dev team , don't be afraid to pay people, some people are very talented and they can improve the game by a lot if you give them a chance, having only 2 devs that both work part time is a total joke and having someone to be in charge for something that he has 0 clue about is even a bigger joke. Imagine me a pro chess player going to give advice to a Dart player as to how would be better to throw his dart.

So questions that I think most players would like to know the answers to are:

1) Why did Fort Battle changes stopped and will we have more changes?
2) Will you make ANYTHING about Adventures? If not , why not simply kill the gamemode and add something more interesting?
3) Will you do something about Dueling and will you lower the price of the Mysterious Potion to maximum 100 bonds?
4) Will you try again with Character Class changes and will you consider this time players feedback?
5) Can you stop adding in charge of PVP changes someone that only specializes in PVE?

@Loki please forward this.

Thank you and sorry for the long post.
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Private First Class
If colorado on .net was used as a gauge for battles, then that is why battles are less priority, as the battles are not so lopsided, not perfect by any means. Though yes it would be nice to see changes. So I totally second this, especially in the exp upping.

Adventures, last I heard new maps, but new maps won't do anything. InnoGames allowed the gap between free to play and pay to win to become too large, which is felt 100 times worse in adventures. The only realistic way to make them fair to all is a 3-5 player team against AI mirrors, but that would mean a lot of work I assume. Just heard from a regular adventure player that they didn't even get any games on Saturday and only 1 on Sunday on .net, so no market is immune. At the end of the day, free to play probably out number the players that can afford the level 5 deputy chef knives, level 3 was too much as it was.
Will not suggest focus here as there is no way they are putting in the work.

I totally second the character class changes, though maybe some community involvement when you narrow down the options, have some trust issues after those out of left field ones InnoGames tried.


Master Sergeant
I would like to insist on the fact that changes are still needed in character classes. At least a buff to adventurer for forts and a nerf to soldiers for duels. At least that much. Just because there has been a lot of negative feedback about the latest changes, doesn't mean you should stop there. People want changes, just not the ones proposed by InnoGames last time. A lot of feedback has been given, I say you should listen to it.


Lance Corporal
If colorado on .net was used as a gauge for battles, then that is why battles are less priority, as the battles are not so lopsided, not perfect by any means. Though yes it would be nice to see changes. So I totally second this, especially in the exp upping.

Adventures, last I heard new maps, but new maps won't do anything. InnoGames allowed the gap between free to play and pay to win to become too large, which is felt 100 times worse in adventures. The only realistic way to make them fair to all is a 3-5 player team against AI mirrors, but that would mean a lot of work I assume. Just heard from a regular adventure player that they didn't even get any games on Saturday and only 1 on Sunday on .net, so no market is immune. At the end of the day, free to play probably out number the players that can afford the level 5 deputy chef knives, level 3 was too much as it was.
Will not suggest focus here as there is no way they are putting in the work.

I totally second the character class changes, though maybe some community involvement when you narrow down the options, have some trust issues after those out of left field ones InnoGames tried.
I have suggested a buff towards exp at least to be fairer to any side that is in the other side of the loop. As in 0.12% exp per participant of attackers gives the other side and vice versa.

This is just something InnoGames can do to at least incentivize communities to try to help.

I know that its not gonna help against even numbers but uneven levels, but at least this way it would help players who are fighting 2x their weight.


Staff Sergeant
Give me 200k xp per battle and I will fight.
1 hour 15 sec = 65-72k xp and Im getting money too. Why would I fight 1 hour for 15k xp ?


Give me 200k xp per battle and I will fight.
1 hour 15 sec = 65-72k xp and Im getting money too. Why would I fight 1 hour for 15k xp ?
Well, because that's the fun part of this game - but it's a fair point for the berry pickers who think this is a gambling dress-up simulator.