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Day of the Dead 2023 - Discussion


Master Sergeant
I like the set! The duel weapon. The postille from Mictecacihuatl's set is really hot! :njub: and the slingshot from Papa Legba's set is really cool

Which set is free? Cannot be refined


so you're giving every sousa and astor user an extra 17 attack. because they really needed that... :lol:

can someone from InnoGames explain how are you supposed to have fun as a tank anymore? cause it gets harder and harder with every update...
There is a new set with more Def and Res than Cortina, Astor doesn't give many bonus Att and Sousa is for attack so you still have structures bonus

Arthur Morgan

There is a new set with more Def and Res than Cortina

Sousa is for attack so you still have structures bonus
Sousa destroys Leavenworth, the same way Captain used to destroy Cortina. Structure bonuses help a little i agree, but when there's a lot of people shooting at you (as usually happens when you are a tank), you will still get hit and because of how massive hits are these days, you'll die in a couple of rounds.
Also imo Leavenworth was kind off a scam, as its difference with Cortina (which came out 3 years ago) is extremely miniscule.
Astor doesn't give many bonus Att
it still gives a lot and you also get structure bonuses

In any case Sousa and Astor are more than capable of countering Leaven and Bull respectively, tanks do not dodge anymore (and they receive massive hits) and this new attact sector bonus is totally over the top, on a set that also gives a lot of sector damage as well.


Master Sergeant
Sousa destroys Leavenworth, the same way Captain used to destroy Cortina. Structure bonuses help a little i agree, but when there's a lot of people shooting at you (as usually happens when you are a tank), you will still get hit and because of how massive hits are these days, you'll die in a couple of rounds.
Also imo Leavenworth was kind off a scam, as its difference with Cortina (which came out 3 years ago) is extremely miniscule.

it still gives a lot and you also get structure bonuses

In any case Sousa and Astor are more than capable of countering Leaven and Bull respectively, tanks do not dodge anymore (and they receive massive hits) and this new attact sector bonus is totally over the top, on a set that also gives a lot of sector damage as well.
"Day of the Dead 2023 Sets - Feedback

Howdy Cowgirls & Cowboys,

as every year, during the Day of the Dead Event, you will have the chance to win three sets. :up:
You, the Beta Community, are very important to us and we are always looking forward to your feedback.

Please, check the sets below and let us know of your opinion (why and what you would change). :up:"

@Arthur Morgan how did you not participate in giving feedback on the bonuses? Who you look for. I see (don't misunderstand!) always the same players where bonuses give feedback but I haven't found you!
Finally there is a good armor breaking set! Now it's definitely more about attacking and not always defending! Where it has 30k LP.

Thank you [COLOR=rgb(147, 101, 184)]Loki[/COLOR] for passing on the statistics to InnoGame, who also released a good Panzerbrecher set!

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
I like the designs of the sets :up:

@Loki please is it possible to get an actual answer from HQ regarding the Class updates? Players have been asking for them for a very long time and to not give not even the slightest answer is very disrespectful towards the players who keep the game alive. So my question towards HQ and I hope I get an answer as everyone would want an answer is: Will you finally make character Class Update with reasonable changes any time soon?

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
@Arthur Morgan how did you not participate in giving feedback on the bonuses? Who you look for. I see (don't misunderstand!) always the same players where bonuses give feedback but I haven't found you!
Finally there is a good armor breaking set! Now it's definitely more about attacking and not always defending! Where it has 30k LP.
Arthur has given a feedback about the free set maybe try harder to find it Baggy and don't be lazy and lie.

There was already a very strong armor breaking set as you call it , it's called Sousa and Astor.


Master Sergeant
Arthur has given a feedback about the free set maybe try harder to find it Baggy and don't be lazy and lie.

There was already a very strong armor breaking set as you call it , it's called Sousa and Astor.
It's about nine worlds not about beta. Wasn't lucky enough to get good clothes there!!! I don't always have money for nuggets either! I also have a real life where I can put my money to better use :mad:

and most of the new sets are often for duelists and workers and few for soldiers and ABT :annoyed:

Emma Swan

Agreed, sets are nicely created, but not wise made by bonuses. Honestly, imagine starting new world, you use them if you dont get Cortez, Cortina, Ron, Murrieta set then you will wait little bit and during the christmas you go for Astor, Sousa, where you could probably use ride of this new one free set, rest will be useless. The same probably with other 2 sets. Maybe people that wont be lucky with their drop will stay on church or just delete account based on their last experiences with that. As for dueling set, you may want to keep guns and upgrade them but, vaquero and cowgirl are strong and pretty much free or not that expensive with good dmg. Those sets may be used in combination with other sets but it would be nice to get sets appropriate to current situations. I am still disappointed from Leavenworth set, too weak agains sousa. Its basically the same scenario as Cortina vs Captain... I would play more with FF formula, bonuses on both sides and change it. Because I see everyday tank on the front holding like 2 - 3 rounds and then goodbye joind compost group lol

For old players this event is also not that important. So maybe InnoGames can listen beta players and maybe do what they are suggesting instead of releasing some random ... how to name it ... jokeset?

ps: Imagine now FF, this set in attack making steak from you in cortina, and this set in def making a steak from you in cortina :D rip new world lol


Black heart of the dead's set has wrong XP per level values i believe,
Mictecacihuatl's set has very wrong XP% values, at the moment it gives 3000% xp bonus at level 160+