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Oktoberfest 2023 mount sets

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
Only these sets have had mounts as an addition to the whole set , there are no other mounts for oktoberfest sets except 2014 which they were together with the clothing sets ( no weapons for the 2014 sets ) .

Chances are very slim to get mounts for this years sets because simply they started this last year , idk if they will follow it up since there are upcoming events like DotD , Lucille , Pumpkin Hunt , Western Friday all these in 1 month.


We already got mounts for Easter and weapons for Independence day, so why not some mounts for Oktoberfest sets :D

I'm not entirely sure, but didn't last year mounts came out for Black Friday sale?


Master Sergeant
We already got mounts for Easter and weapons for Independence day, so why not some mounts for Oktoberfest sets :D
That would be normal and logical. To complete each event in which a piece of 3 is missing with a sale, not just 2 of them.

I'm not entirely sure, but didn't last year mounts came out for Black Friday sale?
No, they were in February Sale, but I hope these new horse sets will be released sooner.