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Day of the Dead 2023 - Discussion

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
where we find leather covering ????
Master saddler but it was not possible to be auctioned.
At the world market, federal market and city market.

Thought leather cover was tradable? :huh:
Yes, that's what I mean. Wasn’t that always tradable?
You are talking about Leather Strap, the quest asks for Leather covering which is the 100 point recipe that asks for resin and snake skin to be made. It wasn't actionable hence they made it now.

What is concerning is that LCM which approves this quests , didn't know about it. This proves my point even more that they have no idea about the game :njub:


What is concerning is that LCM which approves this quests , didn't know about it. This proves my point even more that they have no idea about the game :njub:
you are 100% right with that - but the sad thing is she does not care about player feedback - shes getting mad bout our feedback and cancelling things like character class updates (they arent working on class changes anymore atm) cause we did not like em - maybe someone could tell her she better be listening to players...


Lance Corporal
its kinda insane how many times i get 250 or 500 bonds in the event and then when i go next i lose... whats the point of having bonds there when you cant even spend them on anything useful

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
The chances of actually winning is less than 5% which is very frightening considering this is a nugget event.

A fair example of how it should work.

Round 1 ( probability of winning 75% )
Round 2 ( probability of winning 65% )
Round 3 ( probability of winning 35% )
Round 4 ( probability of winning 10% )
Round 5 ( probability of winning 5% )

The current system has less than 5% chance of winning in ANY CARD , it's very sad , I play in many worlds and for the past 3 days I lose in all worlds from the 1st try , I haven't got a single piece of clothing, I haven't got a single letter, I haven't got a single win. Talk about nugget munching, this is beyond any reasonable event, this will lead to addiction, I thought InnoGames banned Poker from the game since it can become addictive.

I recommend to remove all events then because all events and especially DotD can become severely more addictive than Poker which required you to play with InGame cash and not real cash. Now I can understand that they didn't remove Poker for addiction purposes but because they didn't get any profit out of that game mode hence they focused on making the most addicting events possible.


Staff Sergeant
The chances of actually winning is less than 5% which is very frightening considering this is a nugget event.

A fair example of how it should work.

Round 1 ( probability of winning 75% )
Round 2 ( probability of winning 65% )
Round 3 ( probability of winning 35% )
Round 4 ( probability of winning 10% )
Round 5 ( probability of winning 5% )

The current system has less than 5% chance of winning in ANY CARD , it's very sad , I play in many worlds and for the past 3 days I lose in all worlds from the 1st try , I haven't got a single piece of clothing, I haven't got a single letter, I haven't got a single win. Talk about nugget munching, this is beyond any reasonable event, this will lead to addiction, I thought InnoGames banned Poker from the game since it can become addictive.

I recommend to remove all events then because all events and especially DotD can become severely more addictive than Poker which required you to play with InGame cash and not real cash. Now I can understand that they didn't remove Poker for addiction purposes but because they didn't get any profit out of that game mode hence they focused on making the most addicting events possible.
Round 1 why 75%?
Three cards, one dead. Its not 66-33?