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Oktoberfest Event 2023 - Feedback


Lance Corporal
It's half as good as it used to be. Only damagers are affected by clothing resistance, tanks ignore it.

That +5 defense difference is also available for +1, you don't need +3/4.
Ahh you're right, still though... this set feels super pointless. At least the weapons are a clear upgrade. No doubt the horse set will be a prem upgrade. But if compared to cortina like the clothes I'll skip that too

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
is there a META on what clothes you have to wear to have the highest chance of finishing the dish?
never in my clicking career have i gotten this item, and i have luck above 16k on new jobs, so its in range to drop
I don't know if this is a legit strategy to drop things you want BUT for me at least it worked a lot of times , might be coincidence or whatever idk. Basically do jobs that require the same skills as the item you are trying to find

For example if the item gives you Vigor/Reflex/Tactics , do jobs that require those skills.


tbh im a pure ld dueler.. and this new set will fit nicely with a 300+ ld increase vs cortina outfit when i dance.. not sure if ill do better then full cortina lvl 1 but i do like the extra 5 defense etc


The West Team
what is that hat you have?
Thomas Bogg's cowboy hat.


Lance Corporal
Wrong. I got more crap Letters and Oktoberfest Chests. And those are at 1.3% and 1.6%. 2% ? I bet that Potion has 0.0000009%, but they put it 2%.
If that was the case, you would have 0 potions, not 1 :) Whenever it comes to probabilities, you get outliers, "lucky" or "unlucky" runs, but over a large enough sample size, the distribution evens out. Here you have a 2% chance of getting a potion on each 1500p try. Doesn't matter if you already got 1,2,3, 100 or none at all. There is no pity system implemented. If you got something with lower odds, such as letters, you can consider yourself "lucky" , even though it's not what you're aiming for :)


Wrong. I got more crap Letters and Oktoberfest Chests. And those are at 1.3% and 1.6%. 2% ? I bet that Potion has 0.0000009%, but they put it 2%.
You have 100% right. Its a joke, im sure its not 2%. They are lying us. I havent seen any potions and Im just opening the free and 1500. 150 point and 0 potion.

I opened two times for 9000. Then I got the "rarest" - a loot and a health box... Those percents i'm pretty sure are fake numbers.