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Changelog 2.193 - Discussion


Master Sergeant
Yes, but you don't have sector damage as a tank unless you are on the sector with a damager with sector damage items. Gringo weapons alone offer 150 sector damage, so you will always have sector damage if you are using gringo weapons. And now that sector damage will be useless for you.


Master Sergeant
I mean player with "highest total sector damage (in a sector)" was a thing before too, so i.e being in a sector with a Unioner neglected Gringo bonus anyhow (unless -for the same person- accompanied by Union clothing or something)

Maybe I'm missing something o_O
@Diggo11 halp :P


Master Sergeant
I mean player with "highest total sector damage (in a sector)" was a thing before too, so i.e being in a sector with a Unioner neglected Gringo bonus anyhow (unless -for the same person- accompanied by Union clothing or something)
And did I say something else? :))
Not everyone has union set, there are servers where no one has it and the one who has gringo weapons gives the sector bonus, especially if he has murrieta's or siringo's clothes and golden horse set. And in this case his sector damage will be reduced to 0 by the tank's secondary resistance, so you will deal the same damage as if you had 0 sector damage. Is it clear now?

there is no change to how it is resisted.
It is. You said the sector damage will be a part of the secondary resistance now.


Lance Corporal
bro you guys are funny ngl
you update the game and change something and cant even explain properly how this whole thing works

out of that announcement it does seem like the sector damage applies only for the second resistance thing, so how does it work?


I found it pretty easy to understand:
1 You will always take damage now, but only your normal weapon damage. This is only lowered by what you get from Traps/Hiding/HP combo which is negligible. Meaning if tanks and low level people hit you, they will make damage, even though it's low.
2 The rest of the damage (sector bonus, LD multiplier etc) will be possible to lower with resistance items.


Master Sergeant
And for whom tent now this new calculation? Trapper or hiding? Do you have to go back to the chile?.Is it for adventure and soldier? It is of no use for the sharp shooters

300 stolen hiding or trapping

The blue part refers to the secondary resistance introduced above.

Below you will find the formula for the resistance:

300 × (Hide OR Trap) ÷ MaxHP + Resistance Bonus ????


Master Sergeant
Encouraging even more HP isn't a good thing.
Neither countering it (too much) without a compensation for Tanks.

(Along with "all-in-LD") It's been a problem for too long and we have yet to see something done about it..

Rewarding system on the other hand..
A whole different issue on its own.

Bill Doolin

And in this case his sector damage will be reduced to 0 by the tank's secondary resistance, so you will deal the same damage as if you had 0 sector damage. Is it clear now?

It is. You said the sector damage will be a part of the secondary resistance now.
Sector damage got reduced by resistance in the past and it will stay that way after the update. The only type of damage that is handled differently now is weapon damage. Only there primary and secondary resistance makes a difference.


Master Sergeant
Sector damage got reduced by resistance in the past and it will stay that way after the update.
This is technically true.
But this
The only type of damage that is handled differently now is weapon damage. Only there primary and secondary resistance makes a difference.
Changes everything :)

As a tanks you'll deal the same amount of damage with 0 sector damge and with 400 sector damage against someone with spirit set. Get it?

That 400+ resistance will be deducted only from your leadership and sector damage. Which is already very low for tanks.

Bill Doolin

As a tanks you'll deal the same amount of damage with 0 sector damge and with 400 sector damage against someone with spirit set. Get it?

That 400+ resistance will be deducted only from your leadership and sector damage. Which is already very low for tanks.
Which is still the very same situation (in regards of sector damage) just like before the update.

A tank sits in a sector with 400 sector damage shoots at someone with spirit set etc =>
* Before the update: sector damage and part of weapon damage get's eaten away by resistance.
* After the update: sector damage gets eaten away by resistance.


Master Sergeant
I really don't know how to explain it to you. It used to be that if you had higher sector damage, you dealt higher damage. Now you don't.


Master Sergeant
Haha, you know this actually might be true. I have cortina's crossbow +2 and I will probably deal the same amount of damage as a weaker duelist with a bad +0 weapon if we are shooting in the same tank with spirit set.


Master Sergeant
Unfortunately 30 attackers and 50 defense

TOTAL : 10 hits : 9 misses : 9 hits taken : 27 dodged shots
Experience points 3765 points. Bad EP I make against snipers. Union Charisma and Leadership. I had more EP as an adventure

sKillen was a test. Unfortunately still missing some Cortina true :(



Master Sergeant
I've only tried something. That's what beta is for, isn't it?
Actually, someone from Beta told me that I must put everything on strength and LP. Like in the casino roulette table everything on red :njub: now I have to put on blue and LP red


I've only tried something. That's what beta is for, isn't it?
Actually, someone from Beta told me that I must put everything on strength and LP. Like in the casino roulette table everything on red :njub: now I have to put on blue and LP red
Move everything to strength and hp. You will do the same dodges and you will have more hp.


Master Sergeant
That was boring! Few hits and I got the fat off. and I had only done 1k to 2k damage! No thank you. Everything on yellow I do aua with Union and have about 10k to 30k damage :P :njub: