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Changelog 2.184


With this "unreachable max level" we, the players, will have the feeling our character is always improving slowly, which is not bad for this kind of never-ending game.

Of course, without any PvP balance this is a bit useless and it's just give us some hope and a few days/weeks to try the new jobs :)

@Loki can you share something like a roadmap? What kind of new features, modifications coming in the near future (in the next updates / in the next few months)? We don't need exact changelog, just describe these in a few words.


Master Sergeant
Use the clothes that give the most hp. Santa's blouse, boots and belt, Cortina's pants and bow tie, Cortina's horse and saddle, Santa's weapons, and a hat with a lot of hp, a cheap one would be the Black felt one. Let's see how much hp you make .
I only got boots, white reindeer/deer and sleigh and sword from Santa


The West Team
@WhyN0t - I am aware. "Many will try. Most will fail, and a few will succeed.". I promise to give it my best shot. :up:

@bidliz - Thanks. About the update, I wouldn't exactly call it that. The game needed a change. It's a start.

@KeefaChiefaChiefaKeefa - Based on the past I would be sceptic too, but 1st give me a chance. Let me make a fool of myself. Ha ha. :lol:

@jaklee - Apart from the confidentiality clause, to be honest, I am not aware at the moment. I will get back to you.


lets make sure this update dosnt get released till jan 1 2023 minimum .. please examine and play with numbers and test everything out in beta first before sending out update too the rest of the worlds.. yall got 3 months to test this new update .. good luck have fun


The West Team
@Artem124 - "please examine and play with numbers and test everything out in beta"; that's exactly what we want as well.

@WhyN0t & @Uchiha Madara - Both of you are right, just not 100%. :) Some players really enjoy PvE but yes, the vast majority goes for PvP, as do I.
I, personally, see the current update as a stepping stone that was needed and from now on, most of the ideas I will try to "push" will be regarding the PvP side.


Hello @Loki
very nice to have you with us

Level 250 is clearly too high and didn't please the vast majority of players.
Is there a possibility for developers to go back to a lower level?

apparently the jobs don't offer as much experience as we expected,
is there a chance to increase the experience offered in the new jobs and in the old ones as well?

and one last question, is there any intention to increase the daily login xp bonus, quests and more ways to earn xp in the game?


Level 250 is clearly too high and didn't please the vast majority of players

the vast majority of the players that seem not to like the new level 250 are the players that are active on forums and those active forum players are a vast minority of the players playing this game.