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ingame Cloth Calc for version 1.34 (tw-db.info)


my ones are the fortbattle combinations, can you make a fix on them?
? best hability chlothes and best HP chlothes??

and put it showing the items that do not fit on any job please, to help some people clean their inventories
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From yesterdays newsletter from Hawk.

What's bothering me is that I don't find the mentioned version 1.4 rev 26. All I see is v0.03 rev 13.

Can anyone help me?

I received the same email and also don't show any changes from v0.03 rev 13

Here's a links showing the email
Email from TW-DB.info
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abedy has looked at wrong place for current version, sorry for confusion
current version is 0.03 Rev. 13
Version 1.04 is not existing, and version 0.04 is not public at moment until it is stable for release

On the script homepage (http://tw-db.info/?strana=userscript), there's something about a v0.4 in the changelog (without any changes, though)
thanks for that hint, little misstake one adding release notes to that page, is fixed now and showes only released versions
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Can you put that function of saying the items that do not give workpoints to any job??, like the «box» that TW-PRO had before???

and something to make custom calculations on our own

i'm loving the speed that your script has doing the calculations, very nice indeed


Can you put that function of saying the items that do not give workpoints to any job??, like the «box» that TW-PRO had before???

and something to make custom calculations on our own...

Scooby already said in this thread that he will work on that when he finds the time for it (at least the custom calculations) - be patient.

In the meantime, use the online calculator for both tasks!

To find the useless items, go to the calculator...
activate inventory
chose all items - or only the ones you want to filter
activate the "in your inventory" filter
show only NO TOP items
(... and optionally activate the "no named items" & "no set items" filters..)
There you go!


The import script is now (an hour ago) fixed for 1.36. And yes, you need to install the newest version of the Quick Import Button to fix the position. I'm sorry about that, it was just my foolish mistake that messed up the position again...

Quick Import Button direct link: http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/110567.user.js
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i just noticed a bug with this script it it only workable with 30minutes if you try to find job on map and click 15minutes it set 30minutes instead. I play in amitchika version v1.36 revision 17696. How soon can this be fixed


i just noticed a bug with this script it it only workable with 30minutes if you try to find job on map and click 15minutes it set 30minutes instead. I play in amitchika version v1.36 revision 17696. How soon can this be fixed
It works for me on the same world, are you sure about that? (maybe try refresh and stuff like that)
When I use it to queue any 15 job there, it's always 15 minutes, no more, no less. Could you also give me the name and version of your browser?

By the way, there is a known bug when trying to queue a job, while your last activity is in a distant county - due to a small bug about to be fixed in the next release, the script will only search in the near 9 counties.

//abskay: I've found the bug and made a fix probably two weeks ago, but it isn't rolled out yet...
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browser is Google chrome and am sure it doesn't work after refreshing and trying to get it also it is impossible to queue construction job on town you cannot do it as well.


browser is Google chrome and am sure it doesn't work after refreshing and trying to get it also it is impossible to queue construction job on town you cannot do it as well.
Construction actually isn't supported for the time being (frankly, I forgot about it).
What is the job that you couldn't get queued for 15 minutes? If there's more than one such job (even if you think it doesn't work on any of them), please give at least one example. I'm using the same browser on the same world, so there must be something extraordinary in your case... Can you think of anything?

//abedy: This is not the issue - the expected behavior for Construction would be queuing the task of Construction in the player's town... But which building?
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for Construction, use construct casino, it has same skills


just got my golden gun and the script does not take effect into the labor points gained when using it for jobs like construction construct a mission and construct a casino instead it uses collectors gun and collectors saber as best equipped items for other jobs it is ok but except this 2 jobs. I use Google chrome play in Amitchika version 1.36


Master Sergeant
Former Team Member
Yes, it does. With the golden colt, both weapon sets are equal. If you have the golden saber, the golden set is better for construct a mission, but still equal for construct a casino.