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ingame Cloth Calc for version 1.34 (tw-db.info)


What about "sell multiple items" feature?can you guys ad this again? and thanks for Cloth Calc,great job.


Multi-Sell feature would be nice, but even more I'd prefer...
  • display of alternatives
    Quite often there is more than one item that gives the same bonus (eg Bag of marbles/fireworks rocket for Grave robber - the latter one gives more HP & speed; Yellow soft leg guards/Fancy leg guards for Chasing bandits - the latter one has +3 Strength -> more HP; the calc only displays the yellow ones. Same problem sometimes with speed.. But I know this is a matter of the TW-DB calculator, since the alternatives aren't shown there, too)
  • fastest mount when no one gives additional labor points
    If you have donkey/bison equipped from your last job, it's annoying to reopen your inventory (since the calc closes it on startup..) and chose the Quarter/other fastest animal manually - and with calc AND inventory open, it happens quite often that the equipment window doesn't update any more when chosing items from the calc (only reflected when closing & reopening the equipment/inventory again)
  • option to auto-update data when needed
    ...seems that it's needed quite often - and lacking a list what exactly has changed in my inventory since last update, I never know if I have to update - so I just do it...
  • (really custom jobs at last *g*)


thx for feedback,

will think about how the several points could be implemented


A little bit of topic actually, but in order to get the TW-DB Quick Import Button to the right place in 1.35, you need to re-install the UserScript.

Just did that (Chrome/Iron 15: Closed TW, uninstalled, installed new) - it still doesn't look right:
(or is this intended?)

edit: Forget it, now after some restarts of my browser, it was suddenly ok :)

edit 2: Sorry - same problem again, without changing anything. Perhaps a matter of loading order? Positioned relative to an element that is not always ready when the script initializes..? :(
Last edited by a moderator:


same problem, was fine after few restarts but is back to original position.


I have following problem in Chrome (17.0.963.46 m).
When the script is loading, Chrome makes loads of requests to /gameservice/storage/ for over 2 minutes. Then the script works fine.
In Firefox (4.0.1) there is only couple of such requests causing delay about one second.

Negative. When I chose a job from the list, or simply close it manually by clicking on the button again, and then reopen the list (without closing the calculator window, of course), the list is always at position #1 (of current sorting).

Example (with alphabetical sorting) :
I scroll down to "Hunt turkey", select it.
Damn - I selected "Hunt rattlesnakes" instead -> I open the list again, and...
List starts at the beginning with Ambush
The position of the list was reset in Chrome, remained in Firefox.


Thanks for your efforts, Petee!

But still, it doesn't work :(
After installing this latest version, on the first run of TW, the button was in the right place.
The next 3 reloads, it was off position again.


This bug has to be trolling me :D (always hides when I test a new fix)... OK, try again, I'm pretty sure this should be the last fix :P


Fine - seems to be fixed at last! :up:
(tested ~12 times on 1.35 & old worlds)

Although a bit offtopic - a tiny idea for the import script:
Link to the recipes according to profession.
Right now, the link in the import window always targets the field cook recipes.
Easy as 1-2-3, if Character.profession is set / >0 (don't know the state for a non-crafter..) add a +"&craft=" + Character.profession to the link.

Btw, thanks for implementing the availiable ressources => max. products feature in the recipes section! :up:


Although a bit offtopic - a tiny idea for the import script...
Thanks, that's a really nice idea. All the iframe stuff makes it a little bit more tricky than like you say, but still just 3-minutes of work.


...the problem i have, is that i currently don't know any way to get the current wear from the DOM Structure

Seems that you have found out! :up: Great! :up:

Any chance to see a changelog somewhere..?
I think I'm not the only one who is interested in every single bit of improvements/changes *g*
(Or is there already one, and I'm just too blind to find it?)

And thanks to Petee for improving the import script!


The calculator is crashing when logging in Alamogordo using Google Chrome (17.0.963.56 m).


Sorry my bad english


the shown error is facebook connect and has nothing to do with the calculator
the facebook connect is innos part


hey scoobydoo...
can you give me a link for this script?

I mean the ingame calc for 1.35



this is caused by the script this error has nothing to do whit innogames

in which way? I only manipulate one point of the innos javascript code (showing all jobs on map) and all other things the script does uses only data availible on dom structure (no manipulation of that data!) and calling some functions of innos javascript code.

Any chance to see a changelog somewhere..?
I think I'm not the only one who is interested in every single bit of improvements/changes *g*
(Or is there already one, and I'm just too blind to find it?)
i added this on http://tw-db.info/?strana=userscript#releasenotes


in which way? I only manipulate one point of the innos javascript code (showing all jobs on map) and all other things the script does uses only data availible on dom structure (no manipulation of that data!) and calling some functions of innos javascript code.
because you mess whit innogames script somewhere that is linked to the facebook connect thing

people that don't run the script don't get the error so its caused by the script