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ingame Cloth Calc for version 1.34 (tw-db.info)


little more infos would be helpful.

did there an error occur? or a message is displayed?
is the icon/button shown?


yea am experiencing same problems in Google chrome the script showing calculations does not appear on your browser


What about an option to add (on my own) more really "custom jobs"? Like, I want my special combination for fortbattle (not the one that is already there) so I could save it there, is that possible? :)
(maybe also option to delete some of them, for player that don't go to battles is slightly useless have there 4 combinations for fortbattle)
Thanks in advance
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What about an option to add (on my own) more really "custom jobs"? Like, I want my special combination for fortbattle (not the one that is already there) so I could save it there, is that possible? :)
(maybe also option to delete some of them, for player that don't go to battles is slightly useless have there 4 combinations for fortbattle)
Thanks in advance

the plan is to make the custom section editable through the user, with a maximal Limit about 10 to 15 entries.
Speed and Health-Regeneration would be fix, because there is no reason for customizing. All other entries on the custom list could be done through user, similar like it is on the cloth calculator on tw-db.info.
But unfortunatily i'm mostly busy and havn't so much time for developing, so this would take a while before this feature are ready. So for now you must pleased with the static list, sorry. [but's more than nothing ;)]


I am more than happy with current version, I just needed to know that you will...one day...implement it :)


I'd like to ask you for some improvements for that great tool.

1- When I use the calculator, I'd like to see if I go in the market or the travelling merchant which items/clothes I don't own yet.

2- Sometimes we still have a long way to go before we can do a certain job. I'd like it if the calculator would indicate me which items/clothes would help me do this job, of how many work points and if this item/clothe would allow me right away to do the job (with maybe a different symbol/icon/color...).



I'd like to ask you for some improvements for that great tool.

1- When I use the calculator, I'd like to see if I go in the market or the travelling merchant which items/clothes I don't own yet.

2- Sometimes we still have a long way to go before we can do a certain job. I'd like it if the calculator would indicate me which items/clothes would help me do this job, of how many work points and if this item/clothe would allow me right away to do the job (with maybe a different symbol/icon/color...).


I must quote my answer I already give
but, bevor I will start to implement Features for Game-Windows (like the Shops or the Travelling Merchant) I must wait until InnoGames has finished them to final state.

as I said on a last post, i'm realy busy and my time for developing is rare.
So if I start now the write something to improve the four Trader Windows and InnoGames changes something (because they aren't ready with 1.35), I had to do my work again to adjust it to the changes from InnoGames.
So when InnoGames has finished their stuff, I will look what is missing and think than about possibilities to add it.


But yes, you can find that kind of information on TW-DB - go to the Inventory section of the calculator and press the
(display only items in your inventory) and then the
(hide items used in any job) button.

Is this feature on your list to make it accessible ingame via your script?
I'd love that!


... at last a comment from me *g*

Thanks! for your efforts on this calc, it stopped me from stopping with TW :up:

Some little feature requests (one of them more of a bug report, I think)
  • It would be really nice to have the items of the best set that you are already wearing somehow marked in the calc window.
    After looking at the source, I found out that you already planned that, but the opacity: 30% doesn't work, neither in Chromium 15 nor in FF 9.
  • Show the max. labor points in the header after selecting a job, just the same as in the complete list.
    ( <job name> [<current lp>] --> <job name> [<current lp>/<max lp>] )
  • Could you somehow jump to the currently selected job when reopening the job selection list?
    (Sometimes you click on the wrong job in a hurry, and have to scroll down all the way again; or you want to do some similar jobs in a row: Hunt xx, Mine yy, ... - and jumping in the list by typing the first characters is sadly enough not possible)

Thanks & best regards,


No matter what I do, I always get the error message tw-db.info: undefined

I am logged in in tw-db and the inventory was imported successfully ...
I am using Firefox 3.6.25 if that matters. Due to software restrictions on this very PC I am not able to update FF nor can I use another browser :(

I think this is or better was a problem with firefox <= Version 5. This should be fixed

Is this feature on your list to make it accessible ingame via your script?
I'd love that!
it's on my to-do list

  • It would be really nice to have the items of the best set that you are already wearing somehow marked in the calc window.
    After looking at the source, I found out that you already planned that, but the opacity: 30% doesn't work, neither in Chromium 15 nor in FF 9.
the opacity 30% is working, look at the item image when you click to it ;)
the problem i have, is that i currently don't know any way to get the current wear from the DOM Structure

  • Show the max. labor points in the header after selecting a job, just the same as in the complete list.
    ( <job name> [<current lp>] --> <job name> [<current lp>/<max lp>] )

  • will be added

    • Could you somehow jump to the currently selected job when reopening the job selection list?
      (Sometimes you click on the wrong job in a hurry, and have to scroll down all the way again; or you want to do some similar jobs in a row: Hunt xx, Mine yy, ... - and jumping in the list by typing the first characters is sadly enough not possible)
    You know that you can sort the list from top to down and also from down to top? (click to sort icon twice to get down->top), so jobs on bottom should be get to top of list ;)
    For the List I use the InnoGames Featur tw2gui [tw2gui.selectbox()] so I must have a deeper look to the InnoGames code to now what possibilities they give
    and an other point, the list should only be resetet if you completly close the cloth calc window, if let it opend, the list is at the same point as you closed it


You know that you can sort the list from top to down and also from down to top? (click to sort icon twice to get down->top), so jobs on bottom should be get to top of list ;)
Yes, I know that - but that doesn't help if I'm looking for a certain job that is neither one of the best nor one of the worst in any of the sortings *g*

...and an other point, the list should only be resetet if you completly close the cloth calc window, if let it opend, the list is at the same point as you closed it
Negative. When I chose a job from the list, or simply close it manually by clicking on the button again, and then reopen the list (without closing the calculator window, of course), the list is always at position #1 (of current sorting).

Example (with alphabetical sorting) :
I scroll down to "Hunt turkey", select it.
Damn - I selected "Hunt rattlesnakes" instead -> I open the list again, and...
List starts at the beginning with Ambush


once again problem with the script it say tw.db.info scoobydoo log in and am logged in in tw.db.info please help just wanted to ask when the script will be finally made stable without little or less problem The West - TW Pro+ [SOM] any help will be appreciated


once again problem with the script it say tw.db.info scoobydoo log in and am logged in in tw.db.info please help just wanted to ask when the script will be finally made stable without little or less problem The West - TW Pro+ [SOM] any help will be appreciated
:whistle:... Fixed, thanks.

Our script should be pretty stable in the current version, even though it's still classified as Beta. We just really like to forget deleting this one word in the script's source which determines whether our testing subdomain is used or not.
Not sure why do you mention TW Pro... AFAIK its development has been stopped due to too many recent changes in game code.
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much appreciated now its working fine just a question what does the icon that appear beside data is up to date means there occurred an error on indexDB what does it mean


that the local Cache (IndexedDB) is not working :(
will add a possibility later for trying to reset it


how soon before the script starts working properly in amitchika are you updating it cause the script has disappeared i use Google chrome between v1.35 revision 16839


i have no patience for playing BETA, but they are gonna put 1.35 on the portuguese worlds lets see :)

they are ruining The west with all that crap but who cares???