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Independence Day 2023 Sets - Feedback


It is for them , they don't have the slightest idea about how the game actually works.

When the first cloths preview was shown it took a morning to figure it out that the defence fort fight set was redundant and they proposed a fix in 1 day (multiple fixes actually). If they don't even reply to our suggestions is because they have no intention of changing what is already planned to be released this weekend.
However, it would be convenient to warn beforehand that the set's statistics are final and will not be changed based on our feedback. They would save us from repeating the same things and proposing the same enhancements over and over.


I constantly read the forum and forward the community feedback.
I don't reply to certain things so the feedback is pristine. Your voice without my interfering. :up:
i hope they approve the new damage for the guns


Lance Corporal
this is how my 185 toon looks like if i upgrade the gun to lv3 and leave the duel weapon to lv1. before i was sure to buy it...now im a bit skeptical but still inclined to do so considering it's calculated with 120 sector bonus on new weapon set, not what it could potentially be in a union or gringo booster sector.

you decide if it's worth it.

1: captain lv3 with lv4 boots, sousa lv3 wep and lv1 duel wep, adams lv2 horse set
2: captain lv3 with lv4 boots, lv3 deputy gun+lv1 duel wep, adams lv2 horse set
3: sousa clothes lv3, sousa lv3 wep and lv1 duel wep, adams lv2
4: sousa clothes lv3, lv3 deputy gun+lv1 duel wep, adams lv2

(yes the hp penalty and weapon buff were added. didnt add dumpling)

by now it's obvious they won't further update the new weapon set



Master Sergeant
Damage dealers get too much xp from fort battles compared to tanks. Not only has this problem always existed and was not solved when the upper limit of xp and the related formulas were changed, but now it is full of fort items that increase xp and are exclusively for damage dealers. Why? Tanks also need a little love.

As for the duel, a significant increase in the xp from duels would also be needed here, nobody duels on any world I play on.

And... I almost forgot, when is the update with the character class changes coming? :)

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
I believe this is gonna be the Muertos set, Cortina + xp or something like that
Yes, I think so. But we never know.
Most probably , it will be the best time to introduce a new Tank set and it will be very profitable for InnoGames because most new worlds will certainly spend a lot of money to get it and ofc all other active worlds too. But I imagine something like 10 more setting traps and 10 more HP added to the new set because Cortina is still very strong + people will be able to get it on this year's xmas event very very cheap ($1.4kk) so even if a new set comes out I think it will be way more cheaper to just get Cortina to +4 if you have the money to do so.


Master Sergeant
I don't consider Cortina's set that strong. And considering that you take about 2k per hit from a high level player with high sector damage, I think better tank sets would be needed. Sector damage only favors damage dealers, since with the new formula change, they are useless for tanks. And there is no resistance or defense sector bonus, I think some drastic changes to the damage formula would be needed. Or better tank sets. Or both.