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Independence Day 2023 Sets - Feedback


Well New sets which are suitable for old worlds are obviously incredibly unsuitable for new worlds, especially going from classic clothes to a 2023-power set.
It's fecked either way


Master Sergeant
Will everyone receive a dress? Where is in the saloon? Like Waupee? Bartender Henry, Sheriff and Maria?
And then when do they come for the store?


Master Sergeant
Day of the Dead 2022 < and Independence > Day 2023


I have looked out of bored times after and discovered. The Day of the Dead 2022 the Colombian set is partly better than Independence Day 2023 Independence Day set.
Unfortunately, I have set German.
But comparison proves it. So even dove and llama or flag against lamadeke. Refinement 1.


I really dont understand you guys, you are still complaining about no updating instead of quitting playing thid game and deleting accounts. They will do nothing what you are asking for even if they would do something (what a joke) it is too late for fixing pvp or sets or duels and exetra. There is a normal life what we live only once. Dont waste time with asking to fixing this and this if you see that they doesent care about it. And after many years and banal game coding they could do it in minutes, but if you dont realise they doesent care... i have no other to say to you.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
Our development team is on a short holiday break, but will be back for the next update cycle. So stay tuned. After this short break, we will return to our normal update schedule.
Can we expect anything related to Character class changes? Let's not release new quests and call it an update, a more productive way would be if you add more stuff together with a new quest release.


Master Sergeant
Can we expect anything related to Character class changes? Let's not release new quests and call it an update, a more productive way would be if you add more stuff together with a new quest release.
I hope they didn't drop the changes just because of negative feedback, there was no mention of any changes to character classes in the last updates either. And the duel would be in a much better situation with some basic changes. The easiest way would be to increase the xp you get when you win a duel. And maybe a target of initiated/winned duels per week where you get a chest with something interesting.


Master Sergeant
Nope no more class updates community didnt want them now dev is angry
Ask? How do you know what our community wants and doesn't want? And how do you know developers are mad at us? You already know that @Loki and @ChickenMcGuy is from the community?
Is new to me that the two community is against us players?! And when it is said that the company InnoGame is on vacation. So be it. Aren't they allowed to go on vacation?


Master Sergeant
How so yes and no? They always say you should bring suggestions? And now no more suggestions?
It is a big term the community.
Correct would be the community of InnoGame.
Loki and ChickenMcGuy try to forward everything as good as possible to LCM.