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Changelog 2.204 - Discussion

Deleted User - 113805

Builders was a joke as they complain about getting hit a lot as they are easy targets. Though players trying to finish quests and fort fight are also easy targets.

The game is not 100% duels 24/7 either, having a good mix of all elements would be nice.

Plus it is not like I asked for it to stay at 6 month cool down, just not given duelers a free pass on farming easy targets and then being able to quickly remove the downside of winning a lot.
Wtf are you talking, bro? This game is about PvP, not church. You can pass out yourself after 72h very easily.


Private First Class
Wtf are you talking, bro? This game is about PvP, not church. You can pass out yourself after 72h very easily.
Yeah dueling part of the game but not the whole part of it.

Also I rarely to never build church so not sure what you got against wanting to keep things fair.

The whole point of duel level separate from your level, I thought was to be a downside of being successful, ie winning against easy targets and therefore your opponents soon become only players of equal dueling skill for you to duel.

If duel level is leveling up too fast, why are not the rest of those who dueling leveling up the same amount so there are targets? Unless the whole point is that the easy targets are out of reach again too fast.

Plus InnoGames just increased the experience for duels in order to get some players off of church building, is that not working or it is still just a small portion participating?


on Spanish server you have to use your best gear and your best weapon or you get banned. So I attack with 1hp as that is not against the rules. It´s a shame that some CMs don´t understand the game and now has killed xp duelling as you can´t use a smaller weapon, thus killing your targets. Keeping your targets alive and farming them every hour has always been a good way to get high levels of XP but since some CMs can´t understand the game that part is now over.