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Changelog 2.167 Discussion

manco capac

What players want and what they get

There used to be a map of what the developers were working on maybe we should go back to it.

e.g. in 2022 at the beginning of the year we plan to introduce this in the vacations you can count on this and at the end of the year this....

And now to the point the players wanted:

1 New character bonuses and the ability to change your class
2 To make the west game a mobile version
3 Transfers of money from other Worlds on which they play
4 Shop changes clothes sets are too weak for 150level
5 bulletin board where people could post things like buy/sell
6 possibility to sell e.g. potions of life, fortifications from the circus and other reinforcements
7 faster migrations
8 mysterious potion is available from level 449 for duels - if you use it on level 450 you lose it - you should add description
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manco capac

Today we're going to talk:

Communication, bugs ,ignoring players , Slow change

It seems to me that you have communication problems in the team. Error messages do not arrive in real time and are not fixed.

However, news that are introduced are not always clearly communicated to the support
An example of a Polish support that puts a formula and can't answer the question

bugs errors have always been there, but I think it's a problem of communication or not communicating them. When I see a bug for 2-3 years I write to the support and do not see fixed I do not know what to think about it

ignoring players - players were given a lot of ideas to improve the game and it all ended up in the trash. Probably like my statements in this thread

Slow change - we noticed that Grepolis, Elvener are more developed and supported, while the West developers have one goal: get as many nuggets of money from the players as possible and do something so they don't get upset

The game lacks new players, if there are only cosmetic changes the game will die, unless the developers have already assumed this state and do not make any effort


1 New character bonuses and the ability to change your class

I don't think there will be opportunity to change the character class normally.

In my world I suggested that there could be 4 new medals.
1-1 for every character class. It would work like the premium medals.

When you activate it, your original bonuses will be inactive, and the character medal bonuses will be active for 24 hour.
So everyone could be every character class for a day.

It would not cost much work, but it would make a huge impact in the game

manco capac

This is also a very interesting option. But as you can see for yourself at what pace the changes are being made. There are probably more ideas in your world and they all end up in the trash. What I wrote today ignoring players. And a simple explanation, because the players wanted us to improve only the clothes
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Al35ul CM

Shadow City Guardian
Former Team Member
Today we're going to talk:

Communication, bugs ,ignoring players , Slow change

It seems to me that you have communication problems in the team. Error messages do not arrive in real time and are not fixed.
Everything that can be communited, we do announce on the forums. However, there are some aspects of the game that we cannot (currently) release.

bugs errors have always been there, but I think it's a problem of communication or not communicating them. When I see a bug for 2-3 years I write to the support and do not see fixed I do not know what to think about it
If you see any bugs within the game, sending a support ticket would be the best way to solve this. If you think this has been forgotten, please feel free to report it again - we pass on all possible bugs and errors in the game.

ignoring players - players were given a lot of ideas to improve the game and it all ended up in the trash. Probably like my statements in this thread
All ideas are passed on however, not all are implemented. Many are considered and, if they are a positive addition to the current state of the game, they will be added.

manco capac

Coomunication a few days ago a post to support was deleted maybe you have insight. I've had a lot of posts like this and ended up getting no response or pissed off

mysterious potion is available from level 449 for duels - if you use it on level 450 you lose it - you should add description

how many people lost 500 bonds the error is from the beginning use at level 450 and see what happens...nothing. first you must use Yage
I know because I went down from 450 duel level using potions to my current level 188 without promotion around 15000 bonds.

Why did i have to ask for 100 bonds in each world to find 100 snowflakes during the last event? Why wasn't it fixed if such super communication ?

ignoring players - We've been told these things for years, but we're not children to believe them so quickly. We don't see any positive changes

Deleted User - 117528

I've also seen 6 new achievements on beta from craft that aren't listed on changelog. :hmf: