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Removal of Cooldown on Work Motivation Buffs


my remark made sense, it showed you the bearing of higher income and adventurer charactor bonus on working for products, that one you failed to see ;)

I didn't fail to see anything, as I have been on this world since the day it opened almost 7 years ago

let me quote yourself:

I fail to see what bearing higher income, character bonus for adventurers, buying products, etc has on working for products, then crafting Chewing Tobacco, then using them to increase Work Motivation
Why would I want to work for motivation buffs when I have all these already http://prntscr.com/6wtpo7

congratulations. you either have a big purse or an army of slaves who worked for the products. but that's none of my business.

I have been on this world since the day it opened almost 7 years ago
You aren't talking to a noob

i don't know what that has to do with your statement of failing to see something, as i never called you a noob or something like that.


Staff Sergeant
congratulations. you either have a big purse or an army of slaves who worked for the products. but that's none of my business.

I don't have an army of slaves
I buy 80% of the products from the market and friends also get me products at a fair market price
I have a bigger purse than you could ever have imagined http://prntscr.com/6wyuru
I also have well over 50 million dollars worth of buffs at current market price http://prntscr.com/6wyvgb
I would just appreciate the opportunity to use the Work Motivation Buffs more effectively, considering the cost of making them and the effort it took to make them, before the multi crafting was introduced


Well, I personally don't care about each ones circumstances, if anyone plays 10-15-20 hours a day, that's his/her choice and as long as it's an enjoyable time, I'm glad for him/her

I am against removing the cooldown time for buffs because I believe it's there for balancing purposes, someone who uses large quantities of buffs is getting an adavantage over other players, the cooldown is there so that advantage is not so big, or not so exploitable

Iceman, in your first post you mention how you would spend an extra 450 energy each day, plus all the extra energy you already use which might be (correct me if I am wrong, I did a head calculation on the spot) around 375...You already do almost 4 times what a non-premium can, and 2 times and more than a regular premium player...If the cooldown is removed you add 450 of energy, three times the normal consume of a premium player and 4'5 times a non-premium....

Meaning in a day you get to do what normal players do roughly in a week money, xp, luck... that is no balance for me

Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of finding the most efficient way of playing too...But this is too much. While you crafted the 5k chewing tobaccos you knew what you were in for, the cooldwon it's nothing new


What balance? Who has many buffs has an advantage over other players, with or without the cooldown. It won't change the balance of the game at all. It would make no difference, except that those who are active and use many buffs won't have to wait any more before using another buff.


The West Team
Dev Team
Well, I personally don't care about each ones circumstances, if anyone plays 10-15-20 hours a day, that's his/her choice and as long as it's an enjoyable time, I'm glad for him/her

I am against removing the cooldown time for buffs because I believe it's there for balancing purposes, someone who uses large quantities of buffs is getting an adavantage over other players, the cooldown is there so that advantage is not so big, or not so exploitable

Iceman, in your first post you mention how you would spend an extra 450 energy each day, plus all the extra energy you already use which might be (correct me if I am wrong, I did a head calculation on the spot) around 375...You already do almost 4 times what a non-premium can, and 2 times and more than a regular premium player...If the cooldown is removed you add 450 of energy, three times the normal consume of a premium player and 4'5 times a non-premium....

Meaning in a day you get to do what normal players do roughly in a week money, xp, luck... that is no balance for me

Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of finding the most efficient way of playing too...But this is too much. While you crafted the 5k chewing tobaccos you knew what you were in for, the cooldwon it's nothing new
Interesting analysis :)


Private First Class
I don't have a problem with a cooldown on most of the buffs... It's there for balance (as has already been discussed).

The only ones I do have a problem with are the Active Waytime Shortening ones. You have to wait 10 minutes to use another one... But you're trying to shorten the time it takes to get somewhere... Yet you have to wait 10 minutes... Then if you need to use another one... You have to wait another 10 minutes.

It just doesn't make sense. Maybe that one can be removed or reduced?

(Opens can of worms and runs away.... lol) :lol:


Staff Sergeant
I am still waiting for an explanation from the Developers, as to why a 10 minute cool down on buffs is considered necessary
If I don't get an explanation, I will keep asking until I do
I'm really getting tired of being ignored

Buffs do not give a player an unfair advantage, as making buffs, or buying buffs to play more efficiently, is not an exclusive club, as they are available to everyone to obtain them and use them, so it's a level playing field
The cool down has becomes completely redundant now and accusing players of obtaining an unfair advantage from them is completely untrue
Furthermore! in my opinion, there is no logical reason to keep the cool down any longer, so at least remove it, or reduce it to 5 minutes please

After playing on this server using Full Premium for 7 years, I think I deserve an honest answer


You sure deserve that but there are already plenty in this thread.

If they start to remove cooldowns on certain buffs other people will ask the same for the rest of the buffs (time at a time). And THEN it would be unfair. So in order to keep the balance we have no removal of cooldowns.

Btw some people gave you ideas how you can get around that already (ie do more than ONE single job).


you already got your answer on page 1:

While I agree that you could possibly remove the cooldown for *some* potions, we for sure don't want to do that for all of them (and if we remove them for one type, soon players will request to remove them for other types as well). Some of the reasons have been stated already. Also, while you might see the advantages - some players will mostly see disadvantages (eg. balancing issues with that) in removing cooldowns.

Also, I'd like to point that this is a game design decision. Neither I, nor any other dev in this forum will be able to tell you about future plans or intentions behind that system ;)

it may not be necessary, but it's a decision just like the one that duels have to last 10 minutes. i bet there are plenty of duelers who would be happy to see duel timespan to be reduced to 3 minutes or less because of "realism", but none of them is asking for this as penetrating as you do.

just accept it and be happy to save some nuggets. oh, i forgot, you have to spend them. my bad.


Staff Sergeant
You sure deserve that but there are already plenty in this thread.

If they start to remove cooldowns on certain buffs other people will ask the same for the rest of the buffs (time at a time). And THEN it would be unfair. So in order to keep the balance we have no removal of cooldowns.

Btw some people gave you ideas how you can get around that already (ie do more than ONE single job).

How will it be unfair for christ's sake
I already said everyone can buy and use buffs, so it's a level playing field
There is no unfair advantage


Staff Sergeant
you already got your answer on page 1:
No I didn't

It may not be necessary, but it's a decision just like the one that duels have to last 10 minutes. i bet there are plenty of duelers who would be happy to see duel timespan to be reduced to 3 minutes or less because of "realism", but none of them is asking for this as penetrating as you do.

What a benial comparison
You don't need buffs to start a duel and buffs will never reduce the time it takes for a duel to complete, so your point is mute

just accept it and be happy to save some nuggets. oh, i forgot, you have to spend them. my bad.

Stop with the sarcastic and flippant comments and try to make a constructive argument, or just shut up :(


Well if people make constructive arguments you are uncapable or unwilling to see and understand them so no point there.