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Pumpkin Hunt 2022 - Discussion


Staff Sergeant
That's not all! Old pumpkin hunt quests are back this year! You will be able to finish questlines:
  • "Pumpkin hunt"
  • "Pumpkin hunt 2020"
  • "Pumpkin hunt 2021"

Nice! I hope the other old quests will be available someday :) (for example the black friday questline)

Edit: now I read the Changelog, thanks! Now the only one which I will miss from the achievements are the Rio questline :D


Pumpkins didn't have them. Not even last year.
Re-skill potions would be nice, a lot has changed in the game recently and major changes have usually been accompanied by a way to get reskill potions to adapt to the major changes. We've recently had the most major change in the game for 7 years...

Collector Cards > Green reskill potion from Angus? :njub:


The West Team
True, but now we have Potion of Some Wisdom (2%).
We can buy reskill potions (some already have a few in their inventory) but we can't buy this one so, personally, I prefer wisdom potions.


True, but now we have Potion of Some Wisdom (2%).
We can buy reskill potions (some already have a few in their inventory) but we can't buy this one so, personally, I prefer wisdom potions.
Sure there's a lot of use for wisdom potions now, they've very valuable. Re-skill potions allow us to actually play the game, or to completely change a playstyle between the different types of PvP or PvE though, depending on what's hot right now, and are too expensive to acquire normally (outside of beta) partially due to the low bond rewards in PvP, and partially because we actually use those for some of the gambling aspect of the game.

Let's say I'm a fort fighter, but I'm now a low-tier fort fighter because of the level cap change - there's going to be two re-skills involved in the process of becoming competitive again, the reskill to builder and then back to Fort Fighter when you are ready to play the game again. I don't think it's fair to say "some players have some of these because of past sales, so everyone else can't".
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The West Team
I've waited, just in case you wanted to edit your post again.
You've altered your post 5 times in 10 mins and I was not sure if you are done. :lol:

"a lot of use for wisdom potions now, they've very valuable" - a lot of players asked for those.

"are too expensive to acquire normally (outside of beta)" - this is Beta, they are very cheap here. Also, you can reskill using the Shaman not just with Potions.

"there's going to be two re-skills involved in the process" - to be able to go from "a low-tier fort fighter" to "a fort fighter" will require some exp., right? Wisdom potions might help with that.
Also, that is not a process that happens over night. You will get the opportunity to gather more Bonds plus this is not the last hunt in The West.
Reskill potions are always available in the SHOP, Wisdom potions are not.

"I don't think it's fair to say "some players have some of these because of past sales, so everyone else can't"." - Who said that?


Private First Class
"the questline contains 9 quests and will be available for each player who reached level 30 and finished the questline "Save the Saloon, part 2".
so why is a job required that is only unlocked at level 50 ?


The West Team
"the questline contains 9 quests and will be available for each player who reached level 30 and finished the questline "Save the Saloon, part 2".
so why is a job required that is only unlocked at level 50 ?
With decent clothing, you will have no issues working at "Pony-Express" even at level 30.
Jobs can be unlocked earlier than the required minimum level if you have enough labour points. :up:


Private First Class
tell that to a beginner with level 30 that he needs equipment to do a temporary event quest job 20 level higher. in my opinion, the required jobs should correspond to the level for which the quest is announced. in the old quest is so and only that makes sense.