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Oktoberfest Event 2022 Feedback

Al35ul CM

Shadow City Guardian
Former Team Member
Further changes on the sets will be done later this week so be sure to post any feedback/requests

Deleted member 4901

do they really want me to wear a dirndl-set????


Private First Class
hi so 1 free set and 2 other set is what i count it to and weapons for the winner or do i see wrong


I would still like to see increased set bonus in terms of drop chance for the free set, for example:
20% weapon set bonus (now its 13%), with pistol + gun you'd get 34% in total
20% animal set bonus (now its 13%), horse gives you 7%, so you'd get 27% in total
35% clothing set bonus (now its 20%), with clothes you'd get 50% in total

111% drop chance is respectable and I think would be welcomed by players.

You could increase the luck aswell to match the drop chance and keep everything else the same.


Lance Corporal
I am really confused with the duel set art... Is there a female AND male version or are we actually supposed to duel in drag and hit people with a handbag?


Lance Corporal
It's just one set
Yeah I'm good... wont be using that set lol... Really feel like a western gunslinger when I'm in drag hitting people for 800 with a lvl 3 handbag

Feel like InnoGames is playing a practical joke with this one

Edit: Oh my bad it's a mug and a butter knife.... so much better....
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Master Sergeant
Hey guys the First Octoberset is for the man and the Second Octoberset is for the ladies. There are 2 set and keep the one for a gentleman and the second can sell to a ladies where the October 2022 event had Verbast


Lance Corporal
Oh and the event winner weapons skills are still bad. If they're jobbing focused they should maybe have skills made for certain jobs or for as many as possible even though thats a bit meh
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Master Sergeant
For those who keep saying that the duel set is OP, is not. For ~50 extra tactics you lose a lot of dodging/aiming and most of the time when you want tactics, you don't need vigor, but aiming/dodging. And that 50 extra tactics can be compensated with green silk scarf with thomas. Or highlander's shirt and pants. Or both.
PS: You forgot to add the name for the duel set. It's Sarah Astor.



Master Sergeant
You know the Oktoberfest set 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020? There were also 2 set. 1X Leathers Pants - Set and 1x Dirndl - Set ? 1 For man and 2 for women. Stands yes male and female. And 1x Female Shepherdess's set and 1x Male Shepherd's set there was also in the double package!

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