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Oktoberfest 2023 Sets - Feedback

there is no point of having product drop chance for prize weapons considering those are EXP and construction based. You can replace it either with money or speed bonus.


Master Sergeant
You have time to properly distribute and increase the weapon bonuses! Today is Wednesday. Bite Tuesday or.


Private First Class
A long time ago in the west far, far away when every fort rifles was usable to make some damage.

even a moonshiner, predicator or mountain farmer set has a rifle with
20-40 Damage
+2.2 Damage (per level)

and winner set rifle's damage was:
5-120 Damage
+2.4 Damage (per level)

SET 1 (fort set): why is it - 0.05 per lvl weaker? you can use the "+" instead
20-40 Damage -> can be better like 30-50, but per lvl is need to be also more
+2.15 Damage (per level) -> it can be 2.25 Damage (per level)

SET 3 (adv set): it is ok that base damage is better than 5 years ago, but per lvl not enough
30 - 50 Damage
+2.2 Damage (per Level) -> it can be also 2.25 Damage (per level)
but the attribute points are also weak to use it for adv: tradable fort rifles with 0.06 points (per level) ~4 years
+0.045 Strength (per level) -> 0.06 Strength (per level)
+0.04 Mobility (per level) -> 0.06 Mobility (per level)
+0.045 Dexterity (per level) -> 0.06 Dexterity (per level)
+0.04 Charisma (per level) -> 0.06 Charisma (per level)

winner set rifle: totally weaker than 5 years ago
22-42 Damage -> maybe 32-152 would be worthy
+2.27 Damage (per Level) -> maybe 2.42 Damage (per Level) would be worthy

also don't think that varied attribute points are good, be consinstent,
if one can 0.082 (per Level) why not the others?
+0.082 Strength (per Level) -> 0.082 Strength (per Level)
+0.072 Dexterity (per Level) -> 0.082 Dexterity (per Level)
+0.062 Mobility (per Level) -> 0.082 Mobility (per Level)
+0.072 Charisma (per Level) -> 0.082 Charisma (per Level)


So far:

Was. :up:

It really does, so it shall have it.
This way the free set weapons will be better than Bob Younger ones for speed. I don't know if it is totally fair for a free set to outperform a set that wasn't free in the same event 1 year ago

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
This way the free set weapons will be better than Bob Younger ones for speed. I don't know if it is totally fair for a free set to outperform a set that wasn't free in the same event 1 year ago
It will be just for a few months , we will have Xmas event soon so Bob Younger will be in the event. Generally i dont mind a free set to be a bit better than a set that isnt free , you will eventually make the set you have even better every year so it's okay.


The issue with those weapons is that they are better+0 than Bob Younger's weapons +2.
same as Patrick Henry is better than Cortez level 2. the new free sets are OP in comparison to free sets from earlier years. everything to make it easier for new players (even though there arent many)