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Harvest Event 2023 Discussion


Master Sergeant
when the event starts on regular servers?
Dear cowboys and cowgirls, Summer is slowly ending, the days are getting shorter and colder. Fall will soon be upon us in the Wild West, and that means harvest time is upon us! Harvesting is usually a very boring activity, but Henry has an idea. Visit him in the saloon and find out more! From August 16, 12:00 p.m. to August 31, 12:00 p.m., you can collect 100 Ears of Corn while playing through our brand new Boring Harvest Season questline. In these special items you will find small gifts that can make your daily life on the prairie easier. So be alert! You also have a chance to find quest items in these items! You will need them to complete your quests. Have fun, see you in game! Please don't forget to share your feedback with us in our discussion thread! Your The West team


Hello "Picking agaves" is broken (cereal ears don't fall out)
"Picking tomatoes" works (this job is not listed)
View attachment 2005
It's polish language (polish server), Zbieranie pomidorów = picking tomatoes
And i think the same that picking agaves arent giving these cereals. Today I did a few 15 sec picking agaves job, but I got 0 cereal.