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Harvest Event 2023 Discussion

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
I don't understand why there are quest items in the cereals when the quest items will be available in the shop. Why just not remove the quest items from the cereals so we get better chances to get better stuff than getting 40 out of 100 cereal quest items. It's been said so many times as well , either remove the quest items completely or just decrease the %... I find it quite a joke to be able to get the quest items in Shop but will be available in the cereals as well with very high % ...


Master Sergeant
wow cool 550 bonds envelope. Only now discovered. Day of the Dead chests. Is good for beginners and new worlds.


Lance Corporal
Yeah, 2018-2019 would be great. I was looking forward for mosey chests this year but oh well


Is it only me experiencing awful ears droprate? In about 300 energy (15s silver works) got only TWO...


Master Sergeant
That is actually very sad , 27 quest items and 7 collector cards , 34/100 items totally useless and the only reason they are useless is BECAUSE YOU CAN BUY THEM IN THE SHOP :D I love InnoGames man, scammaz after scammaz
It's not about collecting pictures but about the 100 Cereals' ears and what's in them. That's sad. I had better luck with the last one, this time my luck ran out