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Experience points


Hello everyone!

What do you think about getting more EXP from jobs, duels, fort battles, quests, town church building, etc.? Or maybe lower the total points of EXP we need to next level? Talking about levels 170+. I assume, I am not the only one, who hates the fact, that it takes so many years to reach level 250. Hitting level 150 was lot more obtainable, than 250. Im not saying raise EXP from all the income by thousands, just few hundreds would do. I think, players who actually want to reach 250, 80-ish% of all the players is getting EXP from daily login bonus or town church building and there are some who works by grinding 15 sec jobs for great income of EXP (which is boring as hell and costs lot of in-game energy and bulks, but also real life energy and time.

Looking forward to your opinions/suggestions players!


manco capac

I have a suggestion to introduce a new medal -medal on xp we have a character bonus, energy, more earnings, speed is missing xp medal.
Clicking even in heavily upgraded clothes is tiring and jobs give little xp even with a 25% xp boost -my suggestion is that you introduce a medal.
It's also extra money for innogames - a new xp bonus for players is a chance to make levels faster, but there are a lot of them.


Master Sergeant
Job EXP should be increased by at least 50%
Quest EXP should be increased by at least 150% ( talking about daily quests )
Duel EXP should also be increased by 150% (the same as fort EXP).
And unpopular opinion, church EXP is should also be increased by 50%. You get plenty of xp, money and products from jobs, especially with these new sets and Higher Income. Church building is not that appealing anymore. You already make more xp from daily logging than from 24 hours of church building.

the legit

Private First Class
IMO level increase without any addition of content to bridge the gap has only discouraged those with lower levels to start or work for a competitive account as used to take 1 year to 150 and now in older worlds for a competitive account you need at least 175 which takes a lot longer with legitimate play.
Moreover, led a substancial amount of players to bot/script farm xp for 20h a day. Combined these keep leading to dwinddling player bases where only the old timers stay around mostly due to sunken cost falacy.
Increased nugget sales for xp sets so im sure InnoGames is very happy in the short term. Profit records every year without putting a cent back into the game pretty much.
I believe this game could be at a much better place, profiting InnoGames even more if they cared, but who am I but a fool who sees sucess of early 2000s games like Old School Runescape and wishes Innogames did more.
Start voting with your wallets, maybe then they'll listen. Worst case scenario they'll close the game and free us at last. I am a firm believer that if you keep supporting Innogames financially then you actually have less right to complain, because you are supporting those decisions.


Master Sergeant
What makes you scream in the forum? Your capital letters are useless. Gives only penalty points and jump. You can write normally like everyone here

(On 23/08/12 at 10:57 pm)
WARNING: This is a public beta of The-West. Please keep in mind that technical data is subject to change without warning. This includes full resets.
This means: Character and account data can be deleted at any time!


You had chance to buy egg nog during christmas sale, there are many different events to drop xp buffs, feel free to find players for adventures and you can keep buying mojos,bandit's chest or loot chests, whatever you want to exchange them. Instead of crying about put 25% into the shop you should rather ask about new buffs with 75-100% for different duration (4,8,12h etc ). I have more than 70x 25% buff for 8h, also have cocktails, doesnt matter it has -5%, at least you can farm for that. Also rather to cry about new buffs which you can craft,better than cocktail. Also I bought some egg nogs, i dont have unlimited time for spamming 15s so have many resources. But would be happier for higher % for xp, much better than add 25% into the shop. There's still angus for that and bandit's chest,mojos etc...