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Drop Rate on Saws


Staff Sergeant
Doesn't really matter if you keep it to yourself or give it out as wage compensation for the construction of your church to keep up in the town ranking. You are asking for something to make the game easier.

See it as a challenge. Now you can farm saws yourself even easier with latest update. Just put several ours in, use nuggets to speed it up and you have infinite saws. :up:
So the latest update doesn't make the game easier?
That would be considered a major change
Go and whine about that, instead of being so against such a minor change, that in the scheme of this game is really miniscule


So the latest update doesn't make the game easier?
That would be considered a major change
Go and whine about that, instead of being so against such a minor change, that in the scheme of this game is really miniscule

this one idea might be a minor change, but mix it with your other about reducing cool down time on buffs (chew) and it really makes it appear you are not attempting to make the game better as a whole, just cater to your play style. Nothing wrong with looking out for one's own interests, but you have to think about the game as it relates to all players and neither of those issues plague the majority. Would they change a lot if implemented? Not really, but then again if they are not changing much, then why bother to change them at all? good news is you are suggesting ideas and that is more than most do sadly, shows you care


Before the new jobs in the centre of the map were introduced Saws were somewhat in abundance not because of an abundance of players working Sawing Wood but rather the traders working Traveling Merchant, since the inception of Lead a Trading Office traders now have a new pet job. Saws currently drop on 3 jobs that I know of, Sawing Wood, Work as a Traveling Merchant and Building Palisades, I agree with Anny Hudson here, no need to make it any easier.