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Changelog 2.222 - Discussion


Master Sergeant
But this time is different. Now it's a toughening of a punishment, not the other way around.
last change abolishing 50 points caused more rudeness in chat rooms
It doesn't seem that way to me, it's pretty much the same as before. And even then, most players were multiple times unbanned from perma bans. Player base is too small to afford such harsh punishments, not to mention that some supporters give too many penalty points for trivialities.

manco capac

But this time is different. Now it's a toughening of a punishment, not the other way around.

It doesn't seem that way to me, it's pretty much the same as before. And even then, most players were multiple times unbanned from perma bans. Player base is too small to afford such harsh punishments, not to mention that some supporters give too many penalty points for trivialities.
It is so, that if no one reports it, you have a whole day of rudeness and the support does not react - maybe sometimes there is peace if the support is blue, but it disappears...and the smoke starts. Also, in my version the support is friends with people who swear, so I still say that in this game since the abolition of 50 points the support no longer works.


Master Sergeant
Also, in my version the support is friends with people who swear
I doubt this is true, maybe you report messages that don't break the rules. If what you say is really true, then submit a ticket and ask for delegation to the manager, ask him to recheck the affronts of those players.

manco capac

I doubt this is true, maybe you report messages that don't break the rules. If what you say is really true, then submit a ticket and ask for delegation to the manager, ask him to recheck the affronts of those players.
and how rules are broken by a team member ? I sent a message Loki 1,2,3 - temporary peace for how long? I say people knowing that 50 points is not there write in the chat ...that what will they do to me


Master Sergeant
Our CM Loki does not respond to complaints about player mods and CMs. Only if you write a ticket will it be responded to and then the assessment will be forwarded to InnoGame LCM. He can only reply to your message, but he is not allowed to forward it, only the tickets.

Does this new regulation only apply to the worlds or also to beta and event worlds?


Master Sergeant
On 23/8/12 at 10:57 pm)
WARNING: This is a public beta of The-West. Please keep in mind that technical data is subject to change without warning. This includes full resets.
>> This means: Character and account data can be deleted at any time! << But please not on beta. Don't forget the red


If you want to rebalance, then rebalance also the other items of the set, they differ at various spots with exclusive male or female attribution. Same also for pilgrim's set.
Pilgrim's set
Pilgrim's dress set
Dancer's set
Gentleman's set
The Gallant horse and Lady horse are equivalent items designed for characters of different genders, but they had different bonuses.
We have adjusted the bonuses to be the same, providing equal benefits to players of all genders.

New bonuses:
+0.05 Charisma (per Level)
+0.3 Stamina (per Level)
+0.4 Appearance (per Level)
+0.4 Leadership (per Level)
+0.4 Animal instinct (per Level)


how about just remove the gender restriction from any and all items that have it. some items of gentlemans set are male restricted, other items of that set are not. Same goes for some other sets
