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Changelog 2.203 - Discussion

challenging quests are fine.
but is it necessary to include something like the "new pencil" which does not drop at 200+ or even 600+ attempts as players report.

this is no fun at all. quests and click-events should be separated.


Tombstone Sole Survivor
The West Team
We have reported that some players are experiencing problems with the new questline, and our development team is investigating. As soon as we have an answer, we will let you know.


i have ran work in an office down to zero motivation twice doing 15 sec jobs and others and still no pencil


Tombstone Sole Survivor
The West Team
We have reported that some players are experiencing problems with the new questline, and our development team is investigating. As soon as we have an answer, we will let you know.

Our development team will fix this issue early next week. In the meantime, we ask for your patience.


The West Team
We had an opportunity to release a quick fix today :)


Master Sergeant
If I had made a bet with Kolleg! The InnoGame won't be able to fix the pencil error by tomorrow! Had I had a pizza night meal. Bravo InnoGame! As always with Neuquest, they don't bring themselves to do it right! 5 days of boredom. No wonder deleting many accounts!


Well most of the quest issues could all be avoided with a single person doing a single playthrough before it's released, like beta is supposed to catch minor things that are easily overlooked - which is why it's a normal server and not a testing environment - not do the entire QA for the game.

Is it like a problem that the content isn't actually enjoyable enough for the creator to sit and play through? Which one of you njubs was it that keeps throwing around the term "PvE Expert"?