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Changelog 2.196 - Discussion

Dude what rank achievements do you want ? Really don't have any better input ?
Some play for forts. Some play for achievements. Some play for crafting. Some play for duels. Some play for church. Some play for finding products. Some play for collecting 99999999999 $ in bank.


Lance Corporal
Expand on it. If you are referring to xp rank, you are delusional. Everyone can craft/duel/church/get money at the same time, not everyone can get to x or y rank. All achievements are TECHNICALLY possible, this is not.


Master Sergeant
All items will be genzelt after update who what you have found! And find 50000 products while doing jobs <<--- most work is gold/silver job! Maybe the other achievements are still coming.


Just curious...
last achievement for XP gained from jobs is for 5M XP, which is nothing, and now compare it to 3 years of sleeping

Does this make sense? Former would actively encourage people to play, if you set the bar high, the latter does the exact opposite.

Is there a chance people designing these ever played the game until at least level 150?


about the reversed duel skills on weapons (shooting/vigor) - is it just me, or this is like 5th time this happened and is being fixed? do they have like a template or something where it's wrong and just keep using it?


Staff Sergeant
not really
whats the use for older players to gain them instantly?
90-95% of those achievements are already done when they get active
and new players will have a hard time to gain them
so before....players complained about achievements to get the same amount as older players
that is now fixed because new players will be forced to play a really long time to even get close enough to older players


Master Sergeant
You know that if it goes on too long, many throw in the towel and give up? The new achievement is not a motivation for beginners to start playing The West. When they see what is required. Those who start again are old players who are bored and try something new!?