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Why are the servers so empty?


He refers to the beta servers ... few players plays on beta (I don't know why but I likethe most):whistle:


Not only the Beta - the same goes for our servers in DK


I Play beta about tree days and i didnt see no player online!!!!!


Tombstone Sole Survivor
The West Team
I Play beta about tree days and i didnt see no player online!!!!!

"Me too"


Open General chatroom, and you can find some online players sometimes ;)


Why are the servers so empty?:tumble: :mad: :(

because players want more gaming and dev's are only concerned on flowerings and makeup.

there's no new quests, no nothings to do, but new map, new layout, new annoying windows.

conclusion: you don't have anything new to do in tw, but it looks nicer. So people are just leaving.

despite the bugs that are essential part of tw.


That 17 million players worldwide is totally bullcrap and you know it well. You can check the old link from the start page, that has disappeared with the latest patch. The link: http://www.the-west.net/?page=register&mode=choose_world

With your thoughtless and irresponsible decisions you ruined the game. The players of The West game is significantly decrease.


Why are the servers so empty?

.20 is the reason. It was pushed on to as as the saving grace for the-west that will not only bring in new players but help them stay. But what .20 has done is forced so much of the existing community to quit while failing miserably to attract and keep new players

job well done :lol::lol::lol:


Well yes, I did warn in .net servers but no one listens. I had to even troll in .net server forum about the migration option.

The real truth is, InnoGames just wants to profit and if that's ain't true, than why the elder players are quitting?

They realize that the only thing which is good is the comrades you get.

I quit nugget munching too :P. I will suggest everyone to do that too.


Dear admins why don't you say something ?

Maybe you have some data,where you have rising number of players?
Maybe you have some data about bigger number of nuggets?

I really don't think so,many of mine friends left game,when I started playing on PL servers there were over 150 thousands players,last time when I saw number of players it was over 70 thousands,now I see this funny 17 milion players worldwide,WoW must be afraid about your rush...

Isn't it the best way to listen PLAYERS,what they would see on TW?
You tried get more players by 2.0 and you have lost many,many doesn't play active as before.

You don't realize one thing,when TW will make Old players fun,New players will come,but when new players would come and hear something like "This game isn't as good as before" they will choose other game...