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Where is the money

  • Thread starter DeletedUser3230
  • Start date


When you cancel a building job - your money seems to be lost. Doo they just disappear.

In the old version - the money seems to be used- but remains in the town.

Is this a bug or a feature ??


Does anybody answer ???

When you cancel a building job - your money seems to be lost. Doo they just disappear.

In the old version - the money seems to be used- but remains in the town.

Is this a bug or a feature ??

I get the feeling that it is only other players who bother to read this section and give answers. And that is a shame- I asked a question here that only the devs. can answer -

The purpose of putting a question here and not use the support system is to make it possible to others to see the answer. That is hard when no one answers. I am not sure an answer would have come - if I used the support system instead - my last question there about a bug - was written mere than a week ago - still no answer. You might well be too busy - but I still don't think it is OK


Just cancelled a building-task and got my money back as expected.

There was, however, probably a bug with that aprox. a week ago which we already fixed though.


Just cancelled a building-task and got my money back as expected.

There was, however, probably a bug with that aprox. a week ago which we already fixed though.

Thanks - that is what happened when I tried in the old worlds - but here - they just disappeared - I will try again - and see if you are right