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What's with all the adventurers?


I'm over in the area near Wilson's Farm on Enewetak. There are over 50 adventures just in the area that I can see. Can anyone think of a reason for this? It seems a bit disproportionate.

I also noticed, when I reached level 10 the tutorial never explained anything about choosing your character class. Was this just me, or did that aspect go away on 2.0? From what I can tell, 2.0 doesn't seem very new player friendly. (It also never showed me where to change my avatar. I knew from past experience, but if that isn't explained to new players there's going to be a lot of ugly men in green shirts walking around.)
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I'm over in the area near Wilson's Farm on Enewetak. There are over 50 adventures just in the area that I can see. Can anyone think of a reason for this? It seems a bit disproportionate.

I also noticed, when I reached level 10 the tutorial never explained anything about choosing your character class. Was this just me, or did that aspect go away on 2.0? From what I can tell, 2.0 doesn't seem very new player friendly. (It also never showed me where to change my avatar. I knew from past experience, but if that isn't explained to new players there's going to be a lot of ugly men in green shirts walking around.)

i think adventurer is first of all that questline for it gives most sp\ap and money, secondly the items are usefull, but more importantly advents can sleep for free in hotels and i think most testers aren't bothered with towns etc, so rather choose advent class since thats by far the only class thats usefull if your townless

soldier and worker bonusses have 0 use for someone townless, and the 10% speed isn't exactly something to pick duellers for

where advents get better droprates and free stays in hotels and got the easiest questline(only trading with indians is i believe hard)

try for instance dueller class, you need tons of dynamite and with that 93% red danger thats like nearly impossible to get, since after 5-6 jobs your ko lol. but i think no one knew that, but adventurer is the logical pick for anyone without a plan to join a town