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Western Friday Sale 2022 - Discussion


Why doesn't every event look like this? Large variety catering to many play-styles, upgrade potential, you just buy what you want, no gambling.
Can you replace the tombolas with this sort of thing going forward pls?


Staff Sergeant
Why doesn't every event look like this? Large variety catering to many play-styles, upgrade potential, you just buy what you want, no gambling.
Can you replace the tombolas with this sort of thing going forward pls?
I prefer the tombolas. Tombolas are free where we can use bonds or the event currency. For me, who doesn't buy nuggets, the tombolas are better. Like this sale, its only good for the players who spend nuggets.


Master Sergeant
I think he was referring to being able to pick the items you want yourself instead of random. You pay x (event currency) for item x, no random. That would be fine, but many sets would be extremely rare because they would be useless and no one would want them or maybe people wouldn't know how good they are, it happens a lot. But it's not a bad idea at all.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
I think he was referring to being able to pick the items you want yourself instead of random. You pay x (event currency) for item x, no random. That would be fine, but many sets would be extremely rare because they would be useless and no one would want them or maybe people wouldn't know how good they are, it happens a lot. But it's not a bad idea at all.
If it's like that then sure


Staff Sergeant
where are the extra sets from events?
why don't the get a re-sale?
chef fry zodiac and so on have been in sale different times
why not ones in a while put the extra event sets back up for sale?
Best items for XP ? I think only Western Friday Weapon set for me (+70% XP). I have Maggie's horse and saddle 35% XP + Maggie's weapons 35% XP + Josephine's clothing set 63% XP.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
Best items for XP ? I think only Western Friday Weapon set for me (+70% XP). I have Maggie's horse and saddle 35% XP + Maggie's weapons 35% XP + Josephine's clothing set 63% XP.
Colombian even if it has less XP , gives you way more skill points than WF , also it gives you Labor points and $ money which is a win-win but sure if you want pure XP you go for WF.

Note: The best weapons for XP are Tombstone Legendary Weapons.