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Urgent Feedback on Easter event sets

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Dear @Henry Walker NPC

After seeing this image in thread: https://forum.beta.the-west.net/ind...ent-2024-sets-feedback.4715/page-4#post-53568, I've decided to create a new thread, so you would finally notice player's complaints and start doing something about it

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding some recent developments in our beloved game.

  1. Obsolete Equipment Sets: It has come to my attention that many of the new equipment sets introduced are not being utilized by the majority of players. Most tanks are still equipped with sets from 2020, rendering the new additions somewhat redundant. This raises questions about the relevance and effectiveness of these new sets. Are they truly enhancing our gaming experience or are they just cluttering our inventory?
  2. Community Suggestions: The second point of my concern is about the feedback mechanism. We, as a community, are often asked for our suggestions and ideas to improve the game. However, it seems like our voices are not being heard. Our suggestions appear to be falling on deaf ears, which is disheartening. The essence of a thriving gaming community lies in its ability to listen and adapt according to the needs of its players.
  3. Preference for Older Sets: Lastly, it has been announced that all the good sets from 2020 will be made available for free this year. Despite this, players seem to prefer these older sets over the newer ones released in the past four years. This clearly indicates a gap between what is being offered and what the players actually find useful.
  4. Discontent Over New Sets: It’s disheartening to see that many players are expressing their dissatisfaction with the recent sets. It has always been a tradition to release sets that are slightly better than the previous years. However, this tradition seems to have been overlooked for the past years. The new sets are perceived as inferior to those released more than two years ago. This has led to a significant number of players refusing to spend money on what they consider to be subpar equipment.
I believe that addressing these issues will greatly enhance our gaming experience. I urge the developers to take our feedback into consideration and make necessary changes. After all, we all share the same passion for this game and wish to see it thrive.

Thank you for taking the time to read my concerns. I look forward to seeing positive changes in the future updates.



Lance Corporal
Search someones profile and you will be able to see their latest activity or just hover your mouse on the name and it will show you , for example the time I'm writing this you were last online on 02-03-2024 at
WOW :))))
from you at least i had some expectation :))))


if wanna change something we need more players to join this forum...they are hundreds of player on my world that waiting for bull vs 2 but they do nothing and when i gave them the set threads they get angry ...but they still dont do something about... with 10 peoples here... we cant change something.
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