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Time To Saddle Up for Trivia ⏰ - Feedback


Private First Class
2. question: B) 5

or you can choose to remain a Greenhorn

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
1. In which year was "The West" officially released?A) 2007
B) 2008
C) 2009

I got tricked by this question and answered A


Master Sergeant
1. In which year was "The West" officially released?A) 2007
B) 2008
C) 2009

I got tricked by this question and answered A
The West is a browser game released in April 2008 by InnoGames. In the role-playing game set in the Wild West, players can start a career as a worker, adventurer, duelist or soldier. <<-- Google Questions ;) The West ist ein im April 2008 <<--- Only in german! Excuse me