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Time calculation ingame



my achievement "verschlafen" says "Totally time slept":


So - how ist this time calculated - what does this time stand for?


It's showing that in your report? My Verschlafen just shows 50.



it's shown in Beta 2 where achievements are active.


it should be seconds as quis said because if its in minutes then the seconds would be waste

so if you did sleep 1min and 59 seconds the 59 seconds would not count while that is almost a minute


Time spent in a hotel

dont understan this either, seconds it cant be since in my case it shows a exact numbers

1.728.000 ---> with seconds would show something like this - 1.728.323

hmm dont know how they count this :P

From Beta 2 also


Time spent in a hotel

dont understan this either, seconds it cant be since in my case it shows a exact numbers

1.728.000 ---> with seconds would show something like this - 1.728.323

hmm dont know how they count this :P

From Beta 2 also

well if you never stopped the sleeping thing just a quick callulation 1.728.000sec/60=28800 min/60=480u/8=60 full sleep times

I think that there is 1 zero to much... can you look at the achievement Stammgast so that I can test it

edit:tested it on myself and there is NOT a zero to much
I did sleep 345600 / 2000000 (17%)
and I did was 12 / 75 (16%) times in a hotel

so that is for the sleeping time
345600/60/60/8=12 times
time in hotel
12*60*60*8=345600 seconds

so I think only completed once count (to be continued)

edit:edit: so I went 1 minute to the hotel and it did not get added so its only for complete hotel visits (the 8 hour of the hotel) I am also going to look if sleeping in fort counts for the achievement

edit: edit: edit: went to a fort barrack to sleep and in does count I got 367200 now so that is

367200/60/60/8=12.75 times in a normal hotel

so 0.75*8=6 hours
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