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The Gentlemans Set Reconsideration


Staff Sergeant
I noticed that the Al Swearengen's Eagle Belts are changing hands for 50k on the Market
It used to be one of the most cherished belts in the game
After speaking to a few players, I was able to find the reason for this occurance
Players are unloading them cheap, as the set has now become redundant
By the time a player gets to Level 76 to allow him to use the complete set, it is then useless, compared to the Soap Opera Set
Why can't the Devs add a NeckTie a Hat and a Coat especially designed for the Gentlemans set, which can be worn at Level 50 to restore the usefulness of that set
Please give this request some justifiable consideration
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Remember that elfego and allan sets are for nuggeters players.

9 in each 10 players will never have those things...

On the other side, you forgot the Soap Opera set that cuts 65% of the jobs where the gentleman set was the best... even with the horse.


Remember that elfego and allan sets are for nuggeters players.

9 in each 10 players will never have those things...

On the other side, you forgot the Soap Opera set that cuts 65% of the jobs where the gentleman set was the best... even with the horse.

So 9 in each 10 players dont have elfego/allan? and for nuggeters players?

Well im a not premium player and i have both and even sold one weapon set
and i know a long list of players that have those also and more then 1

If that idea is good and killado those thinks u told depends on server and world some worlds have more weapon sets then some servers, and i know what im saying by experience


That´s why elfego baka and allan weapons still have a very high price. Like doc coat and chinga armour or natty coat.
If they where so "normal" like you are saying, they would crush on the market and sell for 30k or less like many other items even some of the named ones from the other update. But those things still go for 500k or more. Something that most players, without using too much nuggets, have.

It´s true that on some servers there where over 670000 millions used on bags, so there are many items available. And if you had 5 or more million you have those things. But that´s a minority of players on the big numbers of the servers.

I too know some players that have those things... but they have over 100000 nuggets used in the last 2 years of play. And that is not a "big number" like you are saying.


Doc,chinga or natty coats for 30k in market no but i saw chinga for 70k and doc for 100k, well natty much more, but i bought 1 for 50k
About nugetters im not one and have itens i want so u just need to watch for a deal and knowing right peoples


You have to remember that since Christmas, everyone spent their money on the Mega Xmas bags, and we saw a huge drop in market prices since no one had any money. We could still be recovering from that, or we could be stuck at lower prices, just because people have gotten used to selling at that price.

If the Gent's set had a Weapon set associated with it, I think it would bring it into the same league as Allan's, Baca's and Soap opera sets (LP wise), which I think is a good idea since the Gent's set in general is a higher level set than the others.