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still 1.30?


well I just started to think about this fact that we are still running on v1.30 and I was thinking shouldn't this be 1.31


there are many new things for example poker facebook connection and many bug fixes (not sure about Redeem bonus codes)

anyway I am no developer but I personally think that this should be a new version in place of a add-on for 1.30

well I am no developer and I guess that there is a logic reason...
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in the beta world there's no specific time to start the new version 'cause the dev's put improvements almost every day. So the beta wolrds will pass to 1.31 when all worlds use the 1.31 and then in beta the devs start to put 1.32 improvements while the world will stay in 1.31.

I hope my english it's clear...


in the beta world there's no specific time to start the new version 'cause the dev's put improvements almost every day. So the beta wolrds will pass to 1.31 when all worlds use the 1.31 and then in beta the devs start to put 1.32 improvements while the world will stay in 1.31.

I hope my english it's clear...

this is not true it become 1.31 when they start working on this update

so atm I think that they are going to add it to 1.30
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Poker is Version 1.31, but its not tagged in the Version number. Poker will come on the regular worlds in some weeks.
Version: v1.30 revision 12385 (2011/03/10 17:16:00)
There will come many many new things, new Quests too, i think 2 new Quest series


- Darfen is right.
- some major improvements should appear next weak - read dev blog ->
rainy: March 11th, 2011 at 12:41 | #10
Today it will go live on internal beta so on public i think mayb next week

- there is no difference between add-on and "new version" - all "versions" were in fact add-ons (the core of the program reamained same... probably)