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Reduce Luck gap in jobs


Lance Corporal
Yeah 75% is too much... could be raised a little bit and I do like the idea personally but if I'm being mature this would be bad for the in-game economy... too many spammers as is and the value of cash will be devalued more with the minimum being above 60%


Staff Sergeant
I think it works the other way around.
First drop rate is checked, then it chooses from the pool of items in range

I might be wrong though
my experience is that the droprate is of the items that are in target area
so having a 10% droprate on 100 items is higher then 10% on 50
so indirect you say the same as me

Richard Maverick

Lance Corporal
my experience is that the droprate is of the items that are in target area
so having a 10% droprate on 100 items is higher then 10% on 50
so indirect you say the same as me
You're not considering that the items can be repeated

I'm saying that if you have 10% luck in 15 sec jobs, you'll be getting 1 item every 10 jobs, it doesn't matter the price

They're two independent things
luck means inconsistency luck is luck leave it as it is!!!!! Sets already make it easy... If you want more luck go pray at church once an hour...

10-100% should be


Staff Sergeant
You're not considering that the items can be repeated

I'm saying that if you have 10% luck in 15 sec jobs, you'll be getting 1 item every 10 jobs, it doesn't matter the price

They're two independent things
as far as experience has learned? that's not the case
the formula for item drops are much more than that