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Quest (Paladin)


The adventure that opens April 1, that you won the medal of the day lie, never appeared to me then it was canceled an adventure?
Or will open in another day, according to this site:

She was supposed to appear already, I looked to other players and nothing of adventure, someone help me?

Pardon my English, I am Brazilian.


Did you read the requirements? This quest was only in the last year available.


Then this adventure is over?
and you can win the gold medal of the day lie?
But there will be another new adventure, or have to complete the months of April and Easter?


Yep, this adventure is over ;)
Btw. there is another "adventure", view your city for some moments ;)


you're talking about the game ships?

have to zero it?
is a quest that?


the adventure of Easter did not come
was to be on 2-8 April




check the link it has the date of this year's easter and also previous and next.

and the game was lame. it is better to go that quest again then the game that i think was made at the last min.

i thing you could have done is try to implant quest like you have to find the ship first then get a certain score to get a named weapon. it would be funny then just having a 'bug' game. it would have made up for the fact of the score bug.



check the link it has the date of this year's easter and also previous and next.

and the game was lame. it is better to go that quest again then the game that i think was made at the last min.

i thing you could have done is try to implant quest like you have to find the ship first then get a certain score to get a named weapon. it would be funny then just having a 'bug' game. it would have made up for the fact of the score bug.

Hmm ...
I thought the adventure would be the date fixed