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Pumpkin Hunt 2023 - Discussion


Lance Corporal
The names are hilariously on the nose - they're so bad it's somehow charming :lol:

Showing its teeth pumpkin6.72%
Lying on its side pumpkin6.72%
Scary pumpkin6.72%
Rotten pumpkin6.72%


Master Sergeant
Yay, my finger breaks again 100 times :P :njub: I hope I get something clever and not something I can't use.
This can be used well like Potion of Wisdom and Potion of Wisdom 2x Equal? 1 Definitely has a mistake :njub: Should be called
@Loki (Potion of Lesser Wisdom?)

Emma Swan

At least update bonds, give us 90, 200 and 500, potion 5% and 10% and put new buffs in there as well. Every year the same ...... You can also make drop for those pumpking 1 per player so that we dont have too many but exactly enough for quest and rather add more % for chests and new buffs lol ... Also, no reskill potions?


Private First Class
the newest chest is from 2019 that is like 3 yr old chest why not to 2022 or is it for does go live to dec event