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Overview of game versions?


Is there an overview available of the game versions / builds of all localisations of The West?

E.g. the-west.de, the-west.net, ...?


Copied from the german The West...

* the-west.de
* the-west.net
* the-west.pl
* the-west.nl
* the-west.se
* the-west.ro
* the-west.com.pt
* the-west.cz
* the-west.es
* the-west.ru
* the-west.com.br
* the-west.org
* thewest.hu
* the-west.gr
* the-west.dk
* the-west.sk
* the-west.fr
* the-west.it
* the-west.no.com


Thanks for your help, but I meant game version, like:

nl: 1.30
net: 1.31
de: 1.31
... Build date if possible


Just wait about a week and there will everywhere be the same ;)

Deleted User - 40

The following markets are running with 1.31:


Still waiting markets:


Just wait about a week and there will everywhere be the same ;)
For developing TW Pro, I would like to know how many players play on the old versions. I already got complaints that the BB Code bar got removed from it (because it's added in 1.31). Of course I can keep two versions, but I'd rather just keep one around.

The following markets are running with 1.31:


Still waiting markets:

Thank you, any estimated time for the other markets being updated? NL got delayed for a week.