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New Quest


Hey Guys,
can anyone tell me how the new Quest goes on after the first step (Digging graves 4h)?
I went back to Big Bourbon – but I have no new Questgiver there.
Is it a special time I have to be there?
Does anyone knows about that??


i have same problem and others on ingame forum said some weird things happening with quest. but no one reported any bug here.
my guess: nobody cares anymore.


Hey Guys,
can anyone tell me how the new Quest goes on after the first step (Digging graves 4h)?
I went back to Big Bourbon – but I have no new Questgiver there.
Is it a special time I have to be there?
Does anyone knows about that??
Try F5 to refersh quest-givers ;)
All following quests start with different quest-givers at Big Bourbon.


This is all news to me - I didn't know this quest even existed until earlier today when someone mentioned it in town chat.
I can see the quest giver (Big Bourbon), but have no idea how to begin that 'digging graves' part mentioned above. Nothing appears in the Saloon, either - is there a time/gear requirement, or any other quest that needs to be completed first?


Thanks, Diggo -

I was able to start at the river fishing stage and am progressing without any problems from there - like fafer said, it is beta, so I've got no complaints. :)


The West Team
Dev Team
Nice. I'm yet to hear of anyone who is stuck from any quest changes, so just split into part one and two seems to be all.