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Answered New jobs


Why new jobs is only in the middle of the map? Isn't correct for any towns who are on left corner, right corner, north or south.


I think that's great.

I love the idea of having more duel-action packed sector in middle. If you want better prizes, prepare for harder dueling. Towns that are on map margins are usually much safer from duelers because most of them don't care travelling so far.
I would love to see all medium-high level jobs removed completely from most eastern and western sectors.


Also for a long time on the edges of the map, have been givers search in the central sectors people have had to move there, so there will be important things in the center and at the edges.


Tw.db is a great job, no doubt, everybody knows. InnoGames even did not have this feature (should have it!). This is a fact.

Now, InnoGames should be make a job like that, and not killing it.
Or, buy the tw.db and continue the good work.

So simply.



Tw.db is a great job, no doubt, everybody knows. InnoGames even did not have this feature (should have it!). This is a fact.

Now, InnoGames should be make a job like that, and not killing it.
Or, buy the tw.db and continue the good work.

So simply.


Not sure how this is relevant to this discussion.

And indeed, I believe the main reason that the new jobs are only found in the middle county is because It's much easier to redesign one single county by hand, as opposed to looking at the entire map. Also, lots of high level players all in the same area all the time, it's a great place for duellers with high duel levels to go to find targets instead of having to travel for 20 minutes to the next person they can hit. So I like it :p


Not sure how this is relevant to this discussion.

And indeed, I believe the main reason that the new jobs are only found in the middle county is because It's much easier to redesign one single county by hand, as opposed to looking at the entire map. Also, lots of high level players all in the same area all the time, it's a great place for duellers with high duel levels to go to find targets instead of having to travel for 20 minutes to the next person they can hit. So I like it :p

Yea, even if i'm builder, and i will be death in row, 48h-48h.


Lol! My bad... I just reply to the wrong thread.

Sorry about that ;)