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New Crafting Interface.

  • Thread starter Jacob Greathouse
  • Start date


Wow, looks like crafting turned out to be a successful idea! :))


I'm also evaluating the possibility to (nicely) add an input field that allows directly typing a number of items you want to craft.

Maybe something like this:


could do the trick? (Ignore the arrows)
LE: Also, when you click on the max amount of items that you can craft, the amount will get set automatically to the max amount? :P
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...which include (for example) the ability to use your mousewheel to increase/decrease the crafting counter.
Nice idea, whish I'd have thought of that... :p
Erm, any dates for releasing the next revision...? Guess I'll have to change a bit of the CC code, doubled mouse wheel handlers won't go well I guess...

/edit: @ClothCalc users: If the update comes to beta servers and anything isn't working as expected - disable the "fast skill change" option, as this includes the crafting window as well (since the +/- field is the same control)
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Erm, any dates for releasing the next revision...?

With our current update schedule we should update beta on the 11th of May, production on 20th of May. Of course there might be exceptions, that's why I can't guarantee these dates.

The idea is not new - obviously ... :p - but it is (or should be) standard behaviour throughout the game - and as implementation effort is rather low we decided to give our non-script players the same pleasure. :)


.. but it is (or should be) standard behaviour throughout the game - and as implementation effort is rather low we decided to give our non-script players the same pleasure. :)
:up: Thanks for the info, and that attitude!
Any chances that it might be availiable for shop sales (mobile trade / town shops) too, when you sell stuff?
(Or even when buying in town shops...? :whistle: )


I dont like mousewheel changes for what it is worth, I use it to scroll, and dont want to accidentally craft a bunch of stuff.


you don't accidentally craft stuff just by scrolling anywhere in the game.
you have to accidentally hover your cursor above a very small button (in comparison to a widely used monitor size nowadays) and then accidentally click on another relatively small button called 'craft' to accidentally craft a bunch of stuff you don't want.
that's very far-fetched, don't you think?


I dont like mousewheel changes for what it is worth, I use it to scroll, and dont want to accidentally craft a bunch of stuff.

You don't craft any item unless you press the "Craft" button.

Also, as a random fact, since it looks like many people don't know about this, you can use the scroll wheel inside the job window.


The mouse wheel scroll feature is great, thanks for adding it.


... but it is (or should be) standard behaviour throughout the game - and as implementation effort is rather low we decided to give our non-script players the same pleasure. :)
Howdy! :)
Are you planning to make the mouse wheel work in skills/shaman window too..? Right now the wheel handler is only used in the crafting window; removing the twdb script functionality would result in correct handling of crafting amount selector (only +/-1 instead of 2 now since 2.24) but then the skills window wouldn't have it at all anymore... and I want to avoid making use case selections.

(Btw, in the skills window there's till that mess with attribute + controls [extra button instead of the availiable one from the PlusMinus]... only the original developer might know why, if anyone at all ^^ )


..just noticed you forgot to stop event propagation, so the crafting list scrolls too when trying to change amounts;
will remove your handler in the CC script until it's fixed.


Yep, I saw that when testing around with a larger list of recipes. Also, regarding the skill window:

I won't be able to work on that soon(ish) as time is very, very scarce at the moment.

Edit: the scrolling will ofc. be fixed in a timely manner.