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Medals after update 1.32


Now that we have Achievements , will we be able to get medals as usual, after the update is set on every server ?
After I reached level 120 I tried to get as many medals as I could and I still have some to get, I hope I'll be able to get them all.
So, are the medals affected somehow ?


Master Sergeant
Former Team Member
It seems you are no longer able to get medals when the achievement system goes live.


Now that we have Achievements , will we be able to get medals as usual, after the update is set on every server ?
After I reached level 120 I tried to get as many medals as I could and I still have some to get, I hope I'll be able to get them all.
So, are the medals affected somehow ?

all the medals are now achievements you will lose your medals and this will be replaced by a completed achievement


i become 2 medals after the update :)

Deputy 03/08/2011

and go directly to jail, do not pass go... 05/08/2011

i think we become the quest medals but not more medals


medals are still here, some of them...like holiday once and quest once, and the million $ one.