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Lucille Mulhall Contest - Feedback


The West Team
There should be more of this contests, it keeps the forum alive and makes the players engage with it.
Glad you like it. There will be more.

I LIKE simple, if we are talking math problems. :P . I learned to hate math back in first grade. my brain is not wired for math.
They will not be all with equations. :lol:

As a dyslexic it is still difficult and the pictures just confuse me
As @WhyN0t said:
3x = 12
2y + x = 14
x + y + z = 16

Find z.
I do hope that helps, next one will be different.
I'll keep you in mind.


Staff Sergeant
Cool. I know the answer but I don't want to participate because I dont play here, I'm active only on the forum. I'll give a chance to someone who is active here. Good luck all!


Lance Corporal
the total number divided and subtracting each time the number as in a sudoku game. 1) 4+=12 12: to the number of how many are in the image
2) 14-4: to the number how many remain in the image
3) the final result of the exercises: 1+2 +3=16 1+2 we know what remains of the lasso final result, i.e. exercise 3 4+5=[3] 3 plus how much is left until 16?
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Deleted member 4901

... well, checking all answers, maybe it was not too easy as i first expected :D