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I have gotten a geode from a rare product bag (UP store). When I opened the geode, it said it contained a purple gem (forgot the actual name). But when I opened my inventory I could not find it anywhere (that's why I only remembered the color).
I haven't played TW for a long time so maybe maybe it's a silly question. But I have tried to locate the purple 'gem' and I couldn't even find it on tw-db.

Hopefully someone can help me.



Tombstone Sole Survivor
The West Team

I have gotten a geode from a rare product bag (UP store). When I opened the geode, it said it contained a purple gem (forgot the actual name). But when I opened my inventory I could not find it anywhere (that's why I only remembered the color).
I haven't played TW for a long time so maybe maybe it's a silly question. But I have tried to locate the purple 'gem' and I couldn't even find it on tw-db.

Hopefully someone can help me.


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Ah thanks a lot! I discover new things every day. A lot has been changed this last few years ;).
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