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International Classic World


Hello, classic world doesn't work anymore. Is it repaired or how?

is it so difficult to inform us in one sentence what is going on? I actually put thousands of euros into the game, but the service is zero.


Master Sergeant
I mean the Announcement for Classic World explicitly said;
Please, take note that this special world has limited support and is not plugged into the InnoGames customer support or payment systems. Premium purchases are not possible. Bugs and other technical problems may occur. Play at your own risk!

But yeah they are aware and working on it..


it was already said here that it is being repaired, otherwise you are spamming unnecessarily.

but I wanted something else, it already works!

enjoy game.


the world has some recent blackouts. It seems to me that it is always at the same time. Could you at least comment on whether you can fix it or not. I will not continue if 20 out of 24 hours are unavailable.. Thank you