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Independence Day 2023 - Feedback


Master Sergeant
About 2 or 3 years ago. Was there a discussion about a set on German forums. And InnoGame even boarded it afterwards


it seems to me the patrick henry weapons don't give any set bonus right now? Loki can you confirm this?
im not loki but i can confirm that the weapons do not give any set bonus right now. thank you for reporting this bug. we are aware of this issue and we will fix this as soon as possible - so like in 374758349 weeks :tumbleweed:


All 3 clothes sets are good, even the duel one in certain combinations, but the horse sets are all weak, unusable. Murrieta's which is 5 years old is better than John Sosua's horse set. It's sad.
we talked about em horseset in the feedback thread but they totally ignored all feedback to em horsesets ...i agree with u the horsesets arent that good - except the independence one - youll need this for some new works but event this horse could have bit more skills


Master Sergeant
John Sousa`s Horse
+0.08 Agility ( per level)
+0.0065 Charisma (per level)
+0.35 Hide (per level)
+0.38 Aiming (per level)
+0.10 Leadership (per level)
Speed +220%

My suggestion