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Holiday Set 2023 - Feedback


This year, can you add the items that were sold only with nuggets from the events to the sale? Items that are part of the usual event sets? The idea of the Christmas sale was to complete the sets that appeared during the year on the usual events, but this is not possible because weapons/horses and saddles from the usual event sets were only sold with nuggets and they are not present in bags, as is normal because some players buy them with nuggets. But some of us who missed some events may want to take those parts from the set also even they are available only with nuggets. If last year's pattern is kept, those items are put up for sale only in May, which doesn't really make much sense for me.


The West Team
Bonus per level​
Bonus at level 150​
Bonus at level 200​
Animal + yield set bonus
+0.04 Strength (per level)
+0.045 Mobility (per level)
+0.04 Dexterity (per level)
+0.045 Charisma (per level)
+0.5 Construction (per level)
+0.5 Horseback Riding (per level)
+0.5 Swimming (per level)
+0.5 Repairing (per level)
+0.5 Tactics (per level)
+100 labor points
+40% Improved Luck
+120 labor points Work as an Archaeologist
+6 Strength
+7 Mobility
+6 Dexterity
+7 Charisma
+75 Construction
+75 Horseback Riding
+75 Swimming
+75 Repairing
+75 Tactics
+100 labor points
+40% Improved Luck
+120 labor points Work as an Archaeologist
+8 Strength
+9 Mobility
+8 Dexterity
+9 Charisma
+100 Construction
+100 Horseback Riding
+100 Swimming
+100 Repairing
+100 Tactics
+100 labor points
+40% Improved Luck
+120 labor points Work as an Archaeologist

Bonus per level​
Bonus at level 150​
Bonus at level 200​
Weapon set bonus
+0.04 Strength (per level)
+0.045 Mobility (per level)
+0.045 Dexterity (per level)
+0.04 Charisma (per level)
+0.5 Construction (per level)
+0.5 Horseback Riding (per level)
+0.5 Swimming (per level)
+0.5 Repairing (per level)
+0.5 Tactics (per level)
+100 labor points
+40% Improved Luck
+120 labor points Work as an Archaeologist
+6 Strength
+7 Mobility
+7 Dexterity
+6 Charisma
+75 Construction
+75 Horseback Riding
+75 Swimming
+75 Repairing
+75 Tactics
+100 labor points
+40% Improved Luck
+120 labor points Work as an Archaeologist
+8 Strength
+9 Mobility
+9 Dexterity
+8 Charisma
+100 Construction
+100 Horseback Riding
+100 Swimming
+100 Repairing
+100 Tactics
+100 labor points
+40% Improved Luck
+120 labor points Work as an Archaeologist