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Hidden easter eggs



at the German Worlds there are 6 hidden easter eggs.

Why they don't be in the Beta?


Well i only got the email from my home servers... from beta i didn´t receive it.


Well it's Easter. The quest is running only until the 25.April. Forget the eggs, it's over.

By the way:
Rules said:
Rule 2
Please do not publish any secret information about quest or items in the beta forum! The beta was introduced for testing purpose, not to get information earlier and share them with other players. So please take care that everyone has the chance to find out secret things by theirselves.

In case of doubt feel free to ask a moderator if you are allowed to publish and discuss information about special quests or items.
If you like the global features then play on the usuall worlds. This world is not for playing, it's for testing
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The beta was introduced for testing purpose ...
True... But I think I didn't see anywhere stated that it exists for testing purposes only... :)
There's nothing wrong with players like me, who play only on beta. We have time/will to play only one world and we want to help with testing at the same time (of course, I'm not talking about those player's who haven't even seen the bug tracker since they signed in)... If there is a nice quest dev's spent much time with and there are no major technical difficulties, the question is - why not?

But actually, I didn't want to push anybody to "turn" the eggs on, I don't care at all... I just wanted to kindly ask some players to stop saying that there ain't no reason for it... You see, there's also no reason against ;).


Ohh come on dev's are were gonna get this even now when the time
pasted away?

I wanna collect thoose eggs -.-


On the Dutch forums there is nothing about hidden eggs, have I missed something? :p
ok found it, I thought it was a topic about the old quests :(
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